🙞 Requests 🙜

126 3 7

Any one-shots posted after this chapter are requests from various users. If you want to make a request please see the note at the end of the introduction or read the note below:

When you make a request, please include the names of the characters you want to appear (i.e. ~ Hisirdoux Casperan, Jim Lake Jr., etc.), mood (i.e. ~ romantic, heartbreaking, etc.), setting (i.e. ~ where is the scene taking place?), specific scenario?, and anything else that you think will help me write what you would like to see!

Allowed: Character X OC (ex: Douxie X Anthea), Character X Character (ex: Jim X Claire), headcanons and other, etc.

Not Allowed: Smut, Crossovers, or anything I am uncomfortable with.

Please note that I am working two jobs and I have other stories that I am working on. I will do my best to write your requested one shot as soon as I can. I will complete requests based on when they come in. If someone makes a request before you, I will complete their request first.

If you want to make a request. Comment here.


Tis said if you will but cast a desire under the crescent moon as stars cross its path, your wish will always come true.

— Grace Willows

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