4 ⋅ Soulmates (Jlaire)

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* Art by Tenyai on Tumblr & Twitter.


It is highly recommended that you watch the Tales of Arcadia Saga and read Anthea before reading this one shot. Additionally, any information surrounding my character Anthea is bound to change since her story is not finished yet.


A soft epilogue is all they wanted.

And a soft epilogue is what they shall get.

They have been waiting for this moment for well over a year. They didn't know if it would happen, ever. Ever since Claire knew about Jim being the Trollhunter, they didn't know if their relationship would work out. Then, Claire got possessed and once she overcame Morgana she became a sorceress. And Jim became a troll.

That's when the struggles really came.

They traveled all over the United States, searching for a new Heartstone for their troll friends from under Arcadia. It took them a few months sure but it was all worth it in the end.

They settled down in New Jersey for a while and were at peace with the world. That is until a new foe showed up and felled Jim.

Claire remembers it all in great detail.

They fought so hard and still, they had failed. The Trollhunter protects everyone, but no one really ever protects him. And why would they? They're all cowards. They all hide behind him and put him up on a pedestal as though he were indestructible. They always forget that there were many Trollhunters before Jim. All of them had fallen. Every single one of them.

Then came Camelot and with it their newest friends of Douxie and Anthea, and somehow Steve too in a way. Never did they expect their lives to change even more, and yet it did.

By the end of that journey, Jim became a full troll and then he was human again. Just like that. They all felt relieved. But the danger of the Arcane Order still loomed over them.

So they fled. Douxie, Nari, and Anthea went to New York. Jim and Claire went to Boston. Close enough to help if need be but far enough away to not draw in any unwarranted attention. Everyone else stayed in Arcadia Oaks, but would often visit if time permitted.

Though, despite their running and hiding, the Arcane Order caught up to them. They took Nari away and threatened to end the world or 'rebuild' it, so they said.

The Trollhunters barely saved Nari. They barely saved the world and barely got away with their lives. If it weren't for a lot of what Anthea did, Strickler, Toby, and Nari may not even be with them anymore. It's so unbearably scary to think that they could have lost everyone they ever loved and cared about. And yet, here they are, surrounded by them all. Their friends, their family, and memories of those they have both gained and lost in the last two years.

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