2 ⋅ Greatest Fear (DouxAn)

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This one-shot will contain mentions of death, blood, depressive thoughts, and self-inflicted emotional torture. Read at your own risk.


The first time she died, there was no time to react.

So much was happening at once. He didn't know how to respond.

By the time he got to her, it was too late.

Her wound was too deep to heal and she lost too much blood to keep going. He held her in his arms when she took her last breath.

Hisirdoux remembers watching it happen in gruesome detail.

He remembers watching the arrow fly and how long it took to hit her. He remembers how it pierced her heart, through and through. But the blood and the arrow aren't what kills him.

It's the face she made when she got hit.

She was shocked, then she was afraid. So, so afraid.

He remembers that moment better than he'd like to. It haunts him and tears him apart, silently and oh, so slowly.

It plays on repeat in his mind in slow motion.

A nightmare that never ends and never goes away.

Since then, he hasn't slept much and he still can't sleep most nights for fear that the memory will come back to him like a wrecking freight train.

On the nights that he does manage to sleep, it never ends well. He wakes up in a cold sweat. His heart is pounding and his hands tremble.

He couldn't save her. He didn't save her.

It's his fault she's gone and there's nothing he could do.

He can't lose her again—


He snaps his head up and gazes directly into the eyes of the woman he holds most dear.

"You're doing it again, my love," Her voice is soft and sweet as she touches his hand, "It's alright. I'm here. I'm not leaving your side. Not now, not ever."

She places her other hand gently on his cheek and he leans into her touch. Her wonderful, loving touch.

Oh, how he's missed her.

"I know," He finally sighs, "But last time, you didn't get a choice."

She offers him a reassuring smile, "Sometimes, you don't get a choice in life," She whispers, "However, the universe decided to give me a second chance. It gave us a second chance. So let us not squander it by living in the past. Join me in the now, Douxie, where I am here."

He closes his eyes and presses her hand to his cheek. He takes in the perfume on her wrist and pulls her close, "This feels too good to be true."

Anthea sighs and wraps her arms around him, "It does, but I am here. I am here."

"But for how long?"

"Sh-" She shushes, pulling him tight, "Don't think about then. Don't think about when. Think about now. Now is all that matters at the moment."

And she's right. Now is all that matters.

Douxie takes in a breath, breathing in her scent and letting her fill his lungs until he's nearly drowning in her. He feels her warmth. He feels her magic.

It's her and she is here. She's here. And she's with him.

She is his home.

Edited 09/04/2023

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