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You were in your dorm with your boyfriend well actually your ex now, arguing

Dr:"Okay that's enough " he yelled

Y/n:"I never really loved you ! I was only playing you because I knew you'd let me get away with it-and look.....I was right" you yelled back

He was crying and I wanted to run in his big arms take him a hug but...I couldn't not now...never

He came in front of me

Dr:"I did everything to make you happy! I'm still in love with you and I hate myself for it " he yelled

Y/n:"And I hate you Draco I...always have" you told me

He blinked and look at you in the eyes

Dr:"Don't say that-you don't mean it" he whispered

He did not really know that his father had told me to break up with him because he thought that this was the best for his son and to make Draco happy I would do anything

Y/n:"I do...I never loved you....you are a loser Malfoy "

This word were the death of him I knew that but I can't do anything now . I can see the pain in his beautiful grey eyes

He backed away while he was shaking his head

Dr:"And you are a manipulative witch! You used me! And you tossed me away ! And I hate you , I hate you , I hate you " he yelled

He looks at you for a minutes and goes to the door

Dr:"I hate you with my whole heart" and with that he slams the door

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