Lost girl- part 3

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𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮
Hello lovelies! If you want to be updated when a chapter is up maybe you'd considering following me if you'd like. I know notifications are alarming but I won't spam but just post a message when a new chapter is up. Now let's get on with the story hope you enjoy!

I had arrived in front of an apartment complex.
I unloaded my things and waved goodbye to my aunt.
Once My aunt had disappeared into the streets I gathered myself I admired the building itself It was a pretty big building with many floors. I entered the complex  and headed straight to the stairs. Peter had informed he lived on the fourth floor and his door was the very first one. I git anxious as i stood in front of the door. It took me a second to collect myself and finally I knocked on his door. I was immediately greeted by a woman who I assumed was her mother though she didn't look that old.

"Oh hi I'm y/n I'm peters friend u must be his mother right" I said quite unsure.

"Oh no darling I'm peters aunt And you can go ahead and call me May but come in" she said with open arms.
" Peter didn't tell me her friend was pretty and a girl. So are u guys seeing each other" she said out of curiosity.

"No i just recently meet him and we are friends but he is very sweet" i said as I entered the Room.

You could tell there was nobody else home so i wondered If Peter only lived with his aunt.

"Hey Peter your friend is here!" Peters aunt said all exited.

Peter came in the room and his aunt quickly rushed to him and whispered in his ear. She was definitely talking about me but whatever she said peters cheeks started to show color again. I could tell he was somewhat embarrassed of the situation. But he looks so adorable when he's anxious.

His aunt ended up leaving us and we were left alone in the living room. Peter had already set all the movies from order. I was surprised to see how committed he was to start wars. While he was quite embarrassed to show his collection he also had pride as a fan. I thought that was admirable and kinda sweet I me tik es to him. That might have not been the words to use but he just shot me a big smile.

He went on and made some popcorn as I sat in the couch and covered myself in my big cozy blanket. Peter then joined me in the Couch along with a big bowl of popcorn.
"The popcorn has arrived" he said plopping it down in the front table near the couch.
"Great! Oh..I forgot to mention but, I brought some hot chocolate packets in case you want some" I said enthusiastically.
"I'll put down hot water real quick" he said jumping up and quickly coming back.

The movie had just started and Peter squealed.
I shot a giggle and Peter turned to me.
"I'm sorry" he Said almost frowning.
"Hey their is nothing to be sorry about I just find it amusing your love for this stuff"I said reaching for his hand.
It seemed to bring him confort but then we were filled with a sudden awkwardness.
"Umm aren't you cold... you can use my blanket it's pretty big" I said to fulfill this awkward moment.
"Yeah sure thx" he smiled.
I didn't notice how close I was to him till my shoulder was practically brushed against his.
We were halfway through the first movie and I had underestimated how long these movies actually were but it was quite fascinating.
"I don't think we're gonna be able to get through all these movies in one day" I shot up at Peter. Who was so focused on the movie.
"Well yeah they are pretty long" he said turning around. Surprise by the small gap between us.
I then proceed to say "it seems it will be a week marathon worth don't you think?"
" yeah definitely if you're still committed to finishing the all" he blurted out.
"You really think I won't  make it... wow peter it's almost like ur challenging me you have such little hope in me I'm hurt" I said sarcastically
Petter just laughed.
"You know I think you can it's just you might get bored and give up"
As peters said that I could help but notice the way it affected him like if his interest weren't worth knowing.
"No i won't i am fully committed so come on less chit chat this is serious now I have to focus" I said trying to get a smile from his and I was rewarded with a happier peter. The one o adore.

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