The Verge of falling- part 1

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𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮
new story i really hope you enjoy this one I currently hold 4 new ideas it will take time for me to write them out but stay tuned for those!
You might be in for a long story here.
Life was pretty tragic.
The world was to plain itself. The roaring cities
overcrowded with people who lived. I always wondered how someone could live like that. To just go on about your day from following the same routine. It seems too plain.
This is the life we all lived. I casually just happened to be in New York the city the city that never sleeps. Life was so full here. Mostly of people. Hardly any quiet.
Blending in was the easiest thing ever.
I belonged to those people. Everyday I'd join the crowds heading to the subway. I'd play almost the same playlist on my way to school. I'd go on as any kid.

Gosh I sound like a movie character but I'm not this is reality. That's why I bury myself in books. That's the only place for imagination. For risks and adventure. Not just to be departed to this boring of a life. But I'm getting tired of that being considered the only form of reality.

My friends didn't understand my view of things so I avoid talking about it. All these thoughts revolved in my head as I was in a crowded subway on my way to school. I followed to walk so far the entire streets but stumbled eventually upon the student corpses heading towards the gates of hell.
There I meet up with my one and only friend Alyson. I wasn't so quick to enter as I just stood my ground.

"Ughh..can we like ditch school today. I'm really not cut out for it" I turned my head towards Alyson.
"This isn't just any school y/n. You worked your ass off to get accepted remember!" She said.
She had a point but lately I found myself on the verge of a cliff. I'd given up on myself.
Today was in fact my first day of school. I had just transferred to midtown school of science and technology.
I did work hard to get here and by that means I was offered to come. So I technically worked hard to be recognized. I was a bright student in my school to no surprise They didn't meet the requirement in terms of education. Science was a fascinating topic for me. But if you've ever attended high school. Anybody hardly gives two shits about school.
So here I was almost regretting my every decision.

Alyson  and I go way back to elementary through middle school but she was able to go to this school because she is loaded. It's not intended in a bad way but I wasn't at her level.

"I know It's just I don't know anybody.. I'm kinda anxious" I said looking at her.
"You know everything is gonna Be alright. Plus you don't know we might end up having classes together!" She said trying to cheer me up.
"Yeah maybe" i said very doubtful.
Alyson walked me to the office. I meet a very nice lady who told me to take a seat i figure es I'd be in here for a while. Clases already started but I was clearly a last minute decision since I didn't get my class schedule.
After what felt like hours the nice lady in the office handed me my schedule. I took a quick glance making sure I got the classes I wanted. I was taking the opportunity they offered to try to do something with myself. Of course I didn't know my way around this school so I had to get assistance.

The nice lady called in someone and that's when I was introduced to this boy. He had black short hair and he seemed quite genuine by the looks of it.

"Hi I'm Ned. Uhh I will be your tour guide I guess you can call it that!"he said enthusiastically.
"Hi pleasure to meet you I'm y/n" I said while giving him a subtle smile.

He showed me around the school. Intentionally wasting time By showing me places I didn't need to see like the parking lot. I didn't mind It though.I guess my face was pretty easy to read. I really didn't want to be here.

"So why did you transfer? Not that you have to tell me it's your business" he said cautiously.
I think I liked him. He knows his position in certain things. I like honest people. Plus I needed to meet new people and make new friends.
"Well Ned I can say is I got recognized by this school. I guess you can say I got a scholarship."

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