Chapter 1 - The Newest Friend

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"Mordecai! Rigby!"

With a kick to a rake laid on the ground, Benson looked back at his clipboard. Yep, he'd assigned those two slackers here. It was September, which meant fall. Which meant leaves were falling. Which needed to be raked.

But of course, the two he usually assigned to raking were nowhere to be found.

They were probably slacking off, knowing them, but it was still normal to check, see if he could find any trace of the idiots. Once he did, they were SO fired.

A rumble from the trees caught his attention. A couple of birds flew out of the trees above, and that meant something was in those woods.

"Mordecai, Rigby, if you're trying to prank me, it isn't gonna work! I know you're there! Come out already."

A moment's time passed, and he decided that waiting out here wasn't gonna work. So, he stepped past the bushes, into the mouth of the woodland. Every call he made didn't seem to catch their attention either (if they were even in here,) and he was about to leave, but...another shuffle from the bushes stopped him in his tracks.

"This isn't funny, guys. If you think-"

But the growl that hit the air next definitely wasn't one of his employees. Not even Muscle Man made that kind of noise. The manager tensed, especially when the head of a canine poked out from the bush. Emerging came a coyote, feral eyes staring the man down.

Benson, trying to remember what to do in this situation, remained completely still. An idea sprung into his head, and he threw his clipboard at the coyote...which only pissed it off. It growled, and lunged...until a blur of a monochromatic rocket shot it to the ground from the side. The gumball machine, who'd shot to the ground, lifted his head, and in between him and the coyote was the rocket – a giant black and almost brown canine. Giant, especially compared to him. Some weird pink cloth seemed to be attached to its chest area.

The new canine growled, a deep loud rumble. The coyote, who seemed to be not even half its size, backed down, still snarling. Another growl from the stranger, and the smaller predator slunk back into the bush, tail between its legs.

Benson tensed as the large creature turned back to him. With its large floppy ears, it seemed to be some sort of dog. It stared him down for a minute, before baring its teeth. It took a second for him to register that it was actually...a smile?

"Oh. Oh, uh...hi."


He jolted in shock. "I'm sorry, did you just talk?!"

"Yeah! Emma can talks!" In a high-pitched childish tone, they spoke.

Eyes wide, Benson stumbled to his feet, staring at the dog. "You...your name is Emma?"

They nodded. "Uh-huh!" They cocked their head, looking up at him expectantly. "Is your name?"

He furrowed his brow, pausing, until he realized. "Oh! My name's Benson."

"Ben...Ben...son...Ben...Ben...BenBen! BenBen!" They grinned, tail wagging.

Benson went silent for a moment, before letting out a little laugh. "Not normally what I like, but...that works."

Emma cocked their head the other direction before deciding to move over to where his clipboard had landed. It broke over the coyote's head, so it splintered and shattered across the forest floor. They picked the top half, which still had the paper clipped to it, up in their teeth, and trottled back to him.

"Her' ya goes!"

"Uh...thank you." Now that he'd been able to stand, he gently took it, flipping it over and looking at the damage. He let out a sigh, watching as they brought him the other end. "Great, so...this is something new I have to deal with."

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