Chapter 2 - Death Punchies

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Benson groaned, rolling on his side and slamming his hand on his alarm clock. It quieted down, ceasing the obnoxious noise. Thank the gods, he thought to himself. He shook himself awake, before making his way out of his room and into the kitchen. His usual routine -- wake up, toast from last night, brush his teeth, put on deodorant, and leave for work.

As he was munching on his toast, he remembered the plans for today. Yesterday was when he found Emma, the random dog in the woods who saved his life twice in one day. They'd wanted to stay behind, at the park, because he couldn't protect himself? While that was...admirable, it was a little stupid. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized...they had a point. Shenanigans always broke out there, more than he'd like to admit, and having someone there to protect him made him least, a little bit better. A little bit safer. But if something happened to them, he knew he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.

Maybe it was for the better that he tried not to get attached. But then again...knowing how he was, he'd say that, thing he knew, they'd be his best friend or something.

Only one way to find out. But either way, he was gonna try to do this with trepidation...whatever that meant.

Regardless. He had to take them to the vet today. He would have someone else do it, but considering he'd called the same vet that his cat went to, he'd have to attend in the flesh. If there was one thing he wasn't, it was irresponsible.

Once he was in his car, he had to pause for a minute to reflect back on this. Taking them to the vet...was it the right thing to do? For a talking dog, which he'd NEVER heard of before, it seemed like something he should do. And he was, contemplating it. All the others went to actual doctors, specialized of course, but still. Maybe a doctor would've been better?

Whatever. If the vet thing doesn't work, then we'll go to the doctor, he decided with certainty, to no one but himself.

As soon as he arrived at the park, he pulled up behind the house and hopped out of his car. Adjusting his key on the ring to the house key, he went to open the back door, until he was already unlocked. Weird, considering it was 7:00 am sharp. He should be the only one up right now.

Opening the door, he was instantly greeted by being tackled by something large, white, and fluffy. A quick look would reveal it to be his new bodyguard.

"Hiya, BenBen! Welcomes back!!!"

Benson shuffled underneath them, trying to wriggle his way out. "Yeah, yeah, hello to you too. Hey, don't do that again, you coulda' hurt me."

"Oopsie daisy. Sowwy BenBen!"

Their sheepish grin was apology enough. He couldn't stay mad at a face like that. So he just sighed, stumbling to his feet. He surveyed the kitchen, and on the table were books. A lot of children's books. Some were opened, some were in a stack, a couple were on the floor. Normally, he'd complain about the mess, but considering Emma was new, he'd cut them some slack.

For now.

"Wow, it's like you dragged out all of Pops' old books," he started with a chuckle, walking over to pick one up and examine it.

"Cai and Bee did." They hopped up on a chair, sitting on the edge in a typical dog-like style. Benson followed, pulling out a chair that was on the side and made himself a spot at the table.

"How many of these did you read?"

"All of them."

He glanced at them over the hood of his eyes. " ALL of these in one night?"

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