Chapter 2: Apologies and Promises

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July 24 20XX Present

The sound of wind woke George up. Flat on his back, he laid in a field of grass, looking up at the baby blue sky. He sat up, the wind kissing his skin in every movement he made. Grass tickled his exposed ankles and hands. The sun shining on his head, turning it into a lighter shade of black.

George looked in all directions. The fields never seemed to end. With a pang in his heart, he recognized the familiar scenery. He reluctantly stood up and started walking.

George walked for what seemed like forever. A particular pink flower kept catching his eyes, as he walked in this never-ending dream. Finally, he bent down and plucked the flower. It was dainty and beautiful, swaying in the wind, George smiled.

White hands wrapped themselves around George's hands. A head rested on George's shoulder as if puff out a sigh. George froze.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" asked a voice. George's breath left his mouth as he stared at the sky in disbelief. He turned his head. His eyes locking with green ones. A small smile played on Dream's face.

"Dream?" George asked calmly. He wasn't even sure how he was able to stay calm with his mind racing. Dream was never able to touch him. Let alone, look alive and make conversations.

Gently taking the flower away from George, Dream answered, "Yes? What is it, darling?" George almost choked while he stuttered his unintelligible response.

Dream laughed in George's ear. George's neck hairs stood up. He turned George around, looking at him with such an affectionate smile. George could hear his heart hammering in his ribcage. Dream tenderly placed the flower in George's ear.

"I love you," he said. His hands cupped George's face. George, stunned, could only stare at Dream. His chest throbbed and something prickled his eyes. His breath, stuck in his throat, unwilling to move.

A single tear escape from his eye. Dream quickly wiped it away, worryingly asking, "What's wrong?" George couldn't stop the tears from pouring down his face. His trembling hands grabbed Dream's arms as he cried into them. Dream held him tight.

George sobbed in his chest. George held Dream. He knew it was a dream. He looked up at Dream's worried face.

"I-I love—"

Dream disappeared, leaving George holding onto nothing. George fell to his knees with a loud thud. He gasped for air, a suffocating feeling filled his chest. He grabbed his hair, screaming, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

George jolt awake. Dried tears stained his face. He couldn't stay in this room any longer. George hurriedly ran into the bathroom, gasping and coughing. He locked the door behind him, turned the water knobs, and splashed water on his face.

The dream's events came back as he grabs the sink for support. His face screwed up as he began crying. His breathing rapidly going faster as he desperately tried to calm down.

George choked on his sobs as he clutched his chest. Tears streamed down his face while he cried out in pain. He let go of the sink and sat on the bathroom floor.

I miss you, Dream

There was knocking on the door.

"George! Open up!"


George ignored the knocking and curled into a ball, quietly crying. The knocking became louder.

"George, please!"

George ignored it once again.

When Sapnap got no reply, he sighed and stopped knocking. His hand resting on the door separating George from him. Sapnap's hand curled into a fist. He slowly sat down, his back towards the bathroom door, ignoring the throbbing pain in his chest.

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