Chapter 5: Where It All Happened

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Warning: Profanity, vomit, mention of blood, death, and eating disorders. You have been warned.

November 2 20XX Present

George blinked. He was sitting on the floor, books surrounding him. The bookshelf in front of him loomed over him. Bewildered, he made to sit up but found that he couldn't. He was stuck.

He heard footsteps and his body turned his head. Dream walked towards him, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Still organizing?" he asked.

George rolled his eyes. "Yes. I would be done if some idiot didn't keep coming to me every five minutes just because he found something interesting that he wanted to tell me."

Dream's laugh echoed off the empty building's walls. George reluctantly smiled.

George finally understood. He was reliving a memory from the past.

George looked away and continued to organize books while Dream pouted.

"C'mon George, let's do something fun," said Dream. George raised an eyebrow. Without looking at Dream, he replied, "Like what?"

Dream grinned mischievously. He walked towards George and swept him off his feet. George yelped in shock.

"Dream! Let me down!" He pounded on Dream's chest. Dream laughed, his chest vibrating against George. Dream carried him bride-styled around the library while George yelled protests.

After George yelled a particular foul insult, Dream stopped and looked at George. George gulped. Dream broke out into a smile and leaned down to kiss him. George was so taken aback, he'd forgotten he was in Dream's arms and pushed him, causing him to stumble and fall.

Dream laughed in George's neck. His breath tickling George.

"Dream, get off. You're so heavy," complained George. Dream shook his head. George sighed in exasperation.

Dream snuggled closer, hugging George tighter. George smiled and wrapped his arms around him. They laid on the floor in silence. Suddenly Dream lifted his head. He stared intently at George. His gaze softened when George looked at him. Dream propped himself on one arm with the other reaching up to George's face.

Dream caressed his cheek. He leaned in and kiss George sweetly. George closed his eyes at his touch. They kissed softly, the sweet blissful feeling of one another's touch was enough to drive them to ecstasy.

When they parted, Dream smiled brightly. George smiled back.

"I love you," Dream said quietly. George's eyes widened. It was the first time Dream had said that. George's hand reached for him, shaking as he did so. Dream leaned into George's hand.

"I love you too."

The depressing reality had returned. George curled into a fetus position, dreading the day that lay ahead. The missing feeling of Sapnap was most prominent in the mornings. Without the usual greeting in the morning or the breakfast already set for him made George realize how important Sapnap was in his everyday life.

He also missed the way Sapnap looked at him, how he tenderly held him in his arms, the way how he softly kissed him. George's heart gave a sharp pang.

The bed groaned and creaked as George got off. George's stomach gave a particular loud grumble, begging for food.

"Right, I'll feed you," said George. He stopped. Did he just talk to his stomach? George sighed. He went downstairs and into the kitchen where he searched the fridge for something edible.

Déjà Vu [DREAMNOTFOUND] [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt