Chapter 3: Book Recommendations

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Warning: Profanity

March 25 20XX Present

"Shhh! You're gonna wake him up,"

"You're the one yelling! Be quiet, I'm trying to do something,"

"That something looks like shit,"

"Maybe if someone would shut up, I would be able to concentrate!"

George felt a cool sensation drag across his face and trace the lines of his face. He could hear giggling and laughing.

These idiots.

"So when are you gonna stop?" George asked. Sapnap swore in surprise and Quackity dropped the marker on George's face. Both of them bolted out of the room, laughing as George chased them around the house.

Sapnap jumped over the couch while Quackity ran into the bathroom, locking himself inside, leaving Sapnap to deal with George. Sapnap quickly turned around when he felt a whiff of air pass his ear.

George had a bat in his hand, holding it in a rather menacing way while the drawings on his face looked at Sapnap.

Sapnap burst out laughing at the sight, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Where did you get the bat from?" asked Sapnap, laughing louder as George came closer.

"It was just on the floor," answered George, setting the bat down and frowning at Sapnap. "Quackity! Come out of the bathroom!"

Quackity's yelled back, "No! It's a trap!" George sighed. He walked to the bathroom and pounded on the door. "Get out! I need to clean this stuff off my face!"

There was a pause, then slowly, the doorknob began to turn. Quackity appeared from behind the door and received a punch from George, who mumbled angrily about how he would hide their bodies. The door shut behind him.

Quackity and Sapnap exchanged glances. The two sniggered quietly amongst themselves, walking to the kitchen to make breakfast.

George came out of the bathroom, his face free from the many inappropriate drawings. He walked into the kitchen where Quackity and Sapnap were fighting with spatulas.

George rolled his eyes, "Pay attention," he said, snatching a spatula out of Sapnap's hand and flipping the eggs over.

"Party pooper," said Quackity. George scoffed. "I'll make sure to burn yours." Quackity gave George a quick grin and began setting the table.

After their food was set on their plate, Quackity stopped George and Sapnap from eating.

"Before we eat, we must say thanks to our wonderful and handsome cook. This food is simply divine and would be an insult to our beloved George if we didn't appreciate his excellent culinary skills."

George laughed while Sapnap added on, "Yes, George has shown extraordinary culinary skills, to which I applaud," he clapped and sent a wink to George.

"I think I lost my appetite," said Quackity.

George and Sapnap waved to Quackity as they walked into the car.

Quackity shouted, "Stay out of trouble, you lovebirds!"

Sapnap laughed and started the car. Within minutes, they were driving back home. Sapnap glanced at George before asking, "So how was it?"

George smiled at him. "Not as bad as I expected. I thought things were gonna be awkward, but it was quite the opposite," he said.

Sapnap placed a hand over George's. "I'm glad it turned out well," replied Sapnap. The rest of the ride was silent until they arrived in front of their two-story house.

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