a new beginning

841 8 90

Y/n: your name
L/n:Last name
F/F: Favourite food
M/N: mom's name
F/C: Favourite colour

Y/ns pov:

The car slowly pulled into our new driveway and I stared out of the window, the movers van stopped infront of the house and people started lifting out the boxes

After awhile all of the boxes were sitting in the front garden, the green grass was covered in white snow

"Alright ma'am that should be all of your things" a man walked out to my mother and shaked her hand, they said goodbyes and the man left

Me and my mother decided to move to a small town called South park after a big divorce she had with dad

"Okay y/n I need you to lift your things up stairs into your new room okay, if you do this for me you can choose what bedroom you want alright?" My mother patted my shoulder and took out some keys to open the front door

We both lifted boxes and went inside of the house, I held 3 boxes and dragged a suitcase behind me up the stairs

There was a couple rooms there, 3 big bedrooms and a bathroom

I set down the boxes and suitcase to look at the rooms

The first one had grey painted walls and a dark blue carpet

The second one had white walls and a light brown carpet

And the last one had black painted walls and a black and grey carpet

I chose the third room, it was the farthest away from the stairs but who gives a shit anyway

I get my things and go into the room, there was already a bed there, it was a simple normal kid sized bed

I set the boxes down in a corner of my room along with my suitcase as my mother enters the room

"Oh wow look how big this room is! Are you sure you don't want the smaller one y/n?" She looked around the room and sat down on the bed

"No I definitely want this one mom" I open up my suitcase and take out my phone

"Oh alright then but you get settled in here and I'll go set up downstairs OK?" She gets up and walks out of the door

I look through my phone and see some texts from old friends asking where I was and why I moved but I simply just deleted their numbers, who needs friends anyways they were shit people

I start un packing my things and setting up and after awhile it finally looks decent

I put some F/C covers on the sheets and put some posters up of my favourite shows,movies,games and bands

I set up my dad's old record player beside the TV on the side of my bed and put my favourite CD in

I put all of my clothes in the closet in my room and set my shoes inside too

I had most things un packed but I'll have to do it later since I'm getting super tired

"Y/N WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR DINNER??" MOM shouts up the stairs as I sit down on the bed

"UHH F/F!" I shout back down and hear an okay from my mom

Shit I need the WiFi password now

I go downstairs and the new WiFi code is on a peice of paper in the kitchen, seems mom can't remeber it either

I put it into my phone and smile as it says "connected!" And I rush back up stairs

I get back into my room and hear more shouting from outside and I look out of my window to see a boy and a woman at the front door

"But moooommm do we haveee to see the new neighbours moooommm" some obese kid yelled at his mom and she shushed him

"Yes Eric, now behave or your not getting those chicken wings!" The woman pats her sons shoulder and knocks the door

I hear my mom shouting "be there in a second!" Then she ran out to the door and opened it with a smile

"Hello, I'm Liane cartman,you must be he new neighbours everyone's talking about" The woman pits out her hand to shake my mom's

"Oh how rude of me, I'm M/N L/N, come inside I was just putting on some dinner there" My mom opens the door more and let's in the two people

"Hey Little boy, I have a daughter upstairs and you two can play a game or something" my mom bends down and looks at the little fat boy

"Ugh fine it's better than listening to you two talk about your vaginas or whatever you people talk about" the boy turns and starts walking up the stairs

I run to my room and close the door "Nah, no way am I letting some birth control add walk Into my room"

There's a knock at my bedroom and and I open it slightly too see the fat boy

"Hey let me in!" He hits the door and I give up and let him in

"Oh wow another emo hippie" He walks in and rolls his eyes and pinches his nose

"Wow I think I smell dumbass in here and it's coming from you, you should go take a shower" He says strutting around the room, knocking shit over

"So you got any games?" He turns and looks at me then sees my Nintendo switch on a shelf

"Oooohhh let's play on your Nintendo switch!" He jumps up to the shelf and pulls it down

"No put that back kid!" I snatch it back from him and put it onto the shelf

"Who are you anyway?" I turn and look at him, he's messing with my CDs

"Oh I'm Eric, Eric cartman the coooolest kid in southpark and you are?" He starts messing with my fucking TV

"I'm y/n and stop touching my shit fatass" I snatch the TV remote away from him and put it away

"Your boring as hell y/n" He walks over to the door and as if on queue my mom shouts up stairs

"Cmon kids dinner is ready!"

1045 words

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