Chapter 1-The chosen one +2-He's just a stupid boy

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Emily's POV

Once again, for what the hundredth time maybe? My best friend Grace, or Mrs Horan as she would liked to be called had dragged me to yet another One Direction event

Don't get me wrong the boys are hilarious, I watched the video diaries before so I know about the video carrots and who protested, but I just don't understand the massive excitement over them they're just another boyband, who just spend your money and well don't care.

We were at another one of their concerts and as it was ending, they all were talking. I didn't really pay attention, I would've rather be at a Muse concert.

'Look Grace, can we just leave now? I'm really tired and it's late,'I complained.

'Chill! It's the summer holidays, stop stressing! Look they're just talking, we leave in a few minutes. Trust me,'she said.

A few minutes she said more like over fifteen minutes.

'Okay that is it, I'm leaving,'I shouted.

'Please don't go,'she pleaded.

And in that moment something happened, a whole swarm of teenage girls turned around and faced me, I looked up to see none other than Harry Styles, that guy who has curly hair which has a life of it's own, pointing directly at me and he said and I quote,'I choose you'.

Now any normal person at this time would've screamed and jumped around but not me, oh no my friend.

Seeing as this all happened in a matter of secondary and I don't think before I speak, I decided tl answer Grace first and said,'No, I'm not staying here another second watching some crappy band. Oh yes I said that, now imagine how it is insulting one oerosn's idol they would get pretty annoyed right? Well imagine insulting about 4000 teenage girls' idols. Woah!

They all made a path for me and Grace mouthed 'go' and I walked up to the stage and felt shame cover me.

As I reached up a man with too sparkly teeth and a fake smile said,'Well that's it guys, we gave the lucky 5. Who will be Best Friends With One Direction for Two Weeks! Thank you London, good night!'

And with that the lights blackened and we were taken backstage.

'Wait, this isn't possible you can't just take someone. What about my parents, my job!'

'Love,it was all written on the back of the ticket didn't you read it?'Harry asked, his face full of amusement obviously finding my situation some what hilarious.

I think back to the scratched up paper ticket lying in some trash can near the entrance.

'Well, I guess not. So hello best friend for two weeks,'I smirked and walked out of the room.

Hey this is my first One Direction fanfiction, this is weird I wrote this in around January but somehow I deleted it around April so had room rewrite this chapter. Hopefully it's better now. Chapter 2-He's just a stupid boy

Extra chapter cause I'm great! :')

Emily's POV

The doors opened and the boys waved goodbye to their fans. I was still pretty confused and shocked.

'Bye guys,me and Bella are going to Nando's for a bit. I'll catch you later,'Niall confirmed.

'I'm taking Elle out shopping,see you,'Zayn said.

'Me and Janet are going to the park. Bye guys,bye harry,'Louis stated.

'Well me and Kate are going to the flat. We'll see you guys soon and try not to do anything stupid,'Liam laughed.

All the boys had left with their fan/bestfriend for the next two weeks. I just stood awkwardly next to Harry not knowing what to do or say.

'I heard what you said,about us being a crappy band. It's fine, I'm not bothered but just please don't say it in front of fans,'Harry admitted. I felt terrible and hung my head down in shame.

'Why did you choose me?'I asked Harry,'You could of had anyone, any girl in that crowd so why me?'

'Well..,'he drifted off as he didn't know my name.

'Emily,Emily Jones,'I answered.

'Well Miss Jones ,I looked around and you were there,there's something about you,'he explained.

I sat down trying to make sense of what he'd just said,'Why did you choose me even though I refused?'I questioned. 'Sorry for all the question. I'm just curious,'I added.

'Well, you have your reasons. I chose you so I had to have you. You're mine,'he replied.

'God you sound like such a spoilt child!'I announced. My legs started twitching,they did this a lot when I was stressed.

Harry noticed,'Your legs,they're twitching. Do you need anything?'he asked thoughtfully.

'I'm fine... Wait actually could I have a coffee, I'm dying for one. I want a coffee. I need a coffee now!'I shouted. My body never seemed to function without my daily supply of caffeine.

'Now who sounds like a spoilt child?'Harry teased me.

I let out a smirk as he made my coffee. It was strange he made my coffee with two sugars just how I like it and handed if to me.Mmm it was the best coffee ever!

'So I'm guessing you like my coffees.'he acknowledged.

'I guess I do,'I smiled at him and looked at his face closely for the first time. His eyes were so beautiful,you could get lost in them and never find your way out.

'So I guess you're my new best friend.Want to go to my bedroom?'he asked disrupting my gaze. I wasn't sure if he was joking or not but I aswered,'No,I'm not stupid. I've read the articles,watched the interviews. It seems like you're known for your sexual interest in females. And I'm not getting mixed in that.'

Harry went into a room and gestured for me to follow,I did seeing as I didn't know what else to do. 'This is your room from now,all the clothes are supplied and the bathroom's on your right,'he informed.

I nodded my head and smiled.I laid on the bed and took my phone and started listening go some music in my earphones. I love this song. I was moving my arms and head to the best of the music.

'What you listening to?'Harry asked.

'Oh ermm..just some random band.It isn't One Direction if that's what you were wondering,'I stuttered.

Harry looked at me as though he was trying to work me out,I didn't like it. He gave me one last glance then smiled and walked out of the room. I think he may just of realised I was listening Rock Me which was obviously their song but I didn't want to tell him. But why?

Best friends with One Direction?-Harry Styles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now