Chapter 7-Fun,food and flirting

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So happy with the reception for this fanfiction already 270 reads! Which seems like nothing but for me is a lot! Currently writing another fanfiction as well will update this as well don't worry!


Manisha @ManishaPremlal x

Emily's POV

'Mmm that was so good Harry!,'I said licking my lips in delight,'Must admit you're a pretty great cook!'

Harry chuckled,'Haha, yeah I guess. But you helped out as well and spaghetti bolognese is one of my specialities.'

I took mine and Harry's plates to the sink and carefully started washing up. 'Hey I've got an idea why don't we have a party?'I asked hoping Harry says yes.

'That's a great idea,lets to that. I'll call the lads and the girls over. Should we say about 7?'Harry asked excited.

'Don't you mean 8, us girls take a long time to get ready,'I corrected Harry.

Harry just scoffs at me and says,'Why don't you wear the dress we bought yesterday?'

'Sure thing,'I reply happily remembering the little beauty Harry bought for me yesterday.

We both start clearing the table and tidying up. I can feel Harry stare at my every move but I don't say anything to him. In a strange way its kind of comforting and like he's protective of me. I start running to my bedroom, I can hear Harry call my name.

'I'm having a bath, I'll be out in around half an hour,'I holler put of the bathroom.

I take off my clothes and open the shower doors, it was the type with two transparent front doors which opened to the sides. I get it and let the warm water trickle down my body. The hot warm water relaxing my mind and letting me wind down. I start singing as always, if there was an award for Best Singer in the Shower I would easily get it. I start singing one of my most favourite songs, Kiss You by a certain British-Irish band. I hoped I wasn't singing too loud, I didn't want Harry to think I liked his band I just liked a few songs but I just didn't see the big deal about them.

I start singing from the beginning and when it comes to the chorus I start dancing as well like no one's watching.

But someone was. I do a head flick and see the same curly, brown hair, emerald eyes and dimples. I switch off the shower and try to cover my body with my arms but it doesn't exactly work. 'Harry! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Get out of here!'I screamed at Harry.

'Sorry, I just heard something and was curious. Nice rendition of Kiss I definetly loved the dance moves,'Harry joked.

'Guess what killed the cat? Curiosity so get out now!'I shooed Harry out of the bathroom whilst drying myself with a fluffy,white towel. Harry Styles just saw me naked and dancing and singing like a complete idiot.

Once fully dried, I got into my new dress; it looked incredible. As before I came out of the bathroom and asked Harry,'Hi can you zip me up again?'

Harry was lying on bed reading a magazine and Family Guy was on the TV. He lifted his head as he heard my voice, his eyes widen as he sees me in the dress,'As amazing as you look I do think you looked better before,'Harry jeered whilst getting off the bed.

'But Harry I wasn't wearing anything,'I replied confused.

'Exactly my point,'Harry explained smirking at me. Once I realise whst he means I scowled at him. His arms ran up my back as he zipped me tightly into the dress.

'I'm going to get ready now, I'll be really quick about five minutes okay,'Harry confirmed.

I go to my dresser and start on my makeup, blusher all around, eyeliner,mascara and a little bit of lip gloss. I let my hair fall down onto my shoulders and gently brushed it.

*Ding Dong*

'Crap! Harry, someone's here,'I panicked.

'Em, just get the door please. I'm almost done,'Harry pleaded.

And he thought girls took long. I walked through the corridor to the door and see that Harry had all the drinks out and had some food in bowls. Looks like he was pretty responsible at times.

I opened the door,'Oh hey guys! Come in,'I gesture them to come in. Them being Liam, Kate and I think his girlfriend Danielle, Louis,Janet and Eleanor his girlfriend and Niall,Bella and Elle.

'Where's Zayn?'I asked curiously.

'Oh he's with Perrie, Little Mix are starting their DNA tour tonight,'Liam explains.

I nodded my head showing that I understood.

Harry came out of the room dressed in dark,navy trousers, a white top and a navy blazer. I have to admit he looked good.

'Sorry I'm late. Anyway let's get started,'Harry said and smiled.

The music was playing and the drink was flowing. By about ten we were all drunk except for Liam who had only had one bottle of beer.

Scream and Shout by Will.I.Am and Britney Spears started playing. I leapt up and pulled Harry's arm and said,'This is my favourite song, dance with me!'

Harry got up straight away and we were moving to beat and shouting the lyrics of the chorus.

We continued dancing to Mcfly,Katy Perry,Rhianna and even Abba till it came to about twelve.

'Come on gang it's time to leave,'Liam croaked his voice half gone from all the singing.

'Thanks for a great night guys. You put on a fabulous party,'Elle adorably chimed in.

Niall was dragging his feet in tiredness as he was lead out of the flat.

'Listen Niall, you can take the rest of the food home,'I announced trying to make my favourite leprechaun happy.

Niall straight away looked at me and gave me a massive hug and started grabbing at the food.

After about ten minutes of Niall choosing his goodies, he really was a kid in a candy shop, the guys left.

I started to go back to my room when I looked at Harry as he was putting the pillows into the right places and picking up the empty bottles and cans.

'I know you're staring at me, you like what you see,'Harry teased.

I cringed realising I'd been caught,'Just admiring your cleanliness,'I confessed slightly lying, I was more interested in looking at Harry.

'Sure thing, I'm not always this clean you know,sometimes I can be really really dirty,'Harry said as he walked towards me, his voice low and raspy.

How did you like that? Early update because of less homework yay! Have you seen the pictures of the boys in their red noses, so cute. So need to pre-order One way or Another.




Lots of love

Manisha x @ManishaPremlal

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