Chapter 3-Opinions change,Feelings Don't

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Emily's POV

I woke up to the sound of Harry screaming, I quickly got up from my peaceful sleep and ran out of my bedroom and into the kitchen.

'What the hell! Harry are you okay?'I asked desperately.

Harry was wiping something off his hand with a towel.'I'm fine I just spilt a bit of tea on my hand. It's cool,'he replied trying to reassure me.

'No,you should have it under cold running water. God you had me so worried, I thought someone was trying to kill you,'I explained whilst moving Harry's scalded hand under the tap and running the water. He slightly flinched when the water ran but I forcefully kept his hand in position.

'Oh so you were worried about me, you do care about me then.'Harry teased with a smile on his face.

'I didn't say that,I did for the fans. I don't understand how you can injure yourself its just tea,'I retaliated.

Harry nodded sarcasticaly and used his uninjured hand to move a few strands of my dark black hair behind my ear. My skin felt good with his touching, I could feel my cheeks turning a light shade of red.

Harry whispered into my ear gently,'You look pretty with your hair like that.'

I was speechless, what was going on. This was the Harry Styles and he just told me I was pretty and I think it made me feel good. I moved away from him acting as if our little moment had never happened. I sat down on the sofa and then realised how cold I was. I was only wearing pyjamas which consisted of a pair of shorts and a small top. I tried to cover my huge thighs with my hands, I hated them and I hated the fact that Harry was staring at me. But in a way I liked it. I was never really the girl who all the guys liked, I was always the friend of the beautiful girl. I never had my own love story.

After a few minutes of silence Harry sat down next to me and said,'Why don't we play a game, it's not like we're going to get any sleep now.'

I gasped, a game. With Harry that could mean anything and I'm only 17.

Harry somehow read my mind and said,'Don't worry it's nothing like that,it's only 9 am. I was thinking more on the lines of 20 questions?'.

Few I safe from Harry's wrath.

For now.

'Okay, cool,I'll start,'I agreed.

It was pretty great game, I asked the basic questions. I now knew quite a bit about Harry. His parents' names were Des and Anne, he had a sister called Gemma,loved tacos and his real name was actually Harold.

'So Harold,I've asked all twenty now it's your turn,'I said.

Harry smirked at me.Oh god what will he ask.

'So first question. Are you a virgin?'he asked.

'What! Harry you can't ask me something like that. That's pretty personal;I didn't ask you anything like that,'I retaliated.

'Not my fault you didn't choose better questions. Now just answer it,'he ordered.

Oh god, this is going to be so.embarrasing.'Okay promise you won't laugh at me or I'll hit you wear it hurts,'I threatened.

He nodded at me and chuckled.

'I'm...I'm still a virgin okay,'I admitted.

'I thought so although why you still are I don't know. You have a beautiful body,'he flirted.

I could feel my cheeks blushing.

He asked loads of questions after that I'm pretty sure it was more than twenty, this time he asked more appropriate questions like my favourite food and my most embarrasing moment it was so much fun. But it was his last question that really got me. He asked,'So Emily, do you like me?'.

What do I say, I mean he's Harry freaking Styles, the massive flirt with curly hair in the international boyband One Direction. Yeah I thought he looked incredible but do I really like him. And if I do should I tell him.

'Well Harry, yep,'I exclaimed popping the p,'I guess I really do like you, you're a great friend!'.

I could see the smile on his face fading, what did this mean?

We stared into each other's eyes for a few more seconds then Harry broke the gaze by saying,'So.. I'll make some toast and you get ready;let's go shopping with the guys.'

I nodded at him and smiled and walked into my room. Maybe he was pretty cute and sweet.

Best friends with One Direction?-Harry Styles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now