Far More Difficult

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Sonic's POV

Taking care of a baby is way harder than I thought. Amy new more about it than Tails and me.

"Sonic, I will be gone with Cream to go buy the baby some things okay? Watch him while I'm gone." She said looking back at me from the door way.

"Yeah, yeah... That'll be a piece of cake." I said looking through a Marvel's comic, and Tails sat on the couch playing video games.

"Alright, see you later." She said finally closing the door. Then I heard crying up stairs. Tails and I groaned. We went up stairs.

The hedgie was inside his crib, with his hands up. He squeezed them opened and closed, as if trying to grip to something. His cries were high pitched and loud. His red teary eyes fell upon me. His cries disappeared, he still sniffed; his little nose had a hint of red on it.

I picked him up. "Come on, let's go get you something to drink." I said letting him sit up right in my arms. I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle and filled it with apple juice. "Here." I put the nipple in his mouth.

He started to drink.

"Hey Sonic, what do you think we'll name him?" Tails asked.

"I don't know, what about...Dash!" I asked him.

"Maybe Jonathan, no...um...Peanut!"

"Peanut?" I asked looking at Tails.

"Yeah, he's small like a peanut." He said. The young one removed the bottle from his mouth and burped. "Did you hear that? That was a tiny burp buddy." Tails said.

"What about Burpy?" Tails looked at me in a funny way.

"What about...Guile?" He asked. I gacked.

"What about Shadow?" I asked. The small one raised his hand and pinched my nose.

"I guess that's a yes!" Tails exclaimed.

"Shadow it is. What would you like to do Shadow?" I asked.

1 Hour Later...

Amy's POV

"I'm home!" I claimed. Bags hanged from my arms, so many of them. I noticed Sonic and Tails weren't in the living room. "Guys?" I asked. I heard laughing up stairs. I dropped the bags on the ground and walked up there.

"Oh, hey Amy." Tails greeted.

"Hey? Hello Sonic. What's the baby doing over your shoulders?" I asked. He smiled.

"Well, we were just playing around with Shadow." He told me.

"Shadow?" I asked.

"Yeah. Say hi Shadow." The little hedgie waved at me.

"That's the cutest thing! Let me hold him!" I jumped in happiness.

Narrator's POV

As the years passed, Shadow grew. He loved messing around with Sonic, specially at the age of 7. Sonic didn't even change, he was more like a big brother than a father.

Shadow however, noticed strange things happening to his body. Body hair started to take place, his chest started to grow white fluffy fur, and as for that private part; he didn't take it so well. Once Sonic explained that puppetry was taking its place; Shadow didn't take it so well either, that's besides the point...

Shadow noticed not only was his body changing, but things seemed odder than normal. Once he touched Amy's rose bush; it suddenly sprouted with red rose.

As for Tails' Twin Agave, it grew greener than it looked even before it was bought when Shadow touched its sharp thorns.

As for Sonic's peach tree, it gave fruit during winter, once Shadow laid eyes on it.

Shadow wandered why all this were happening. He had so many questions, but he was afraid to ask them. Questions like...

Why do I feel more energetic in the sun light?

Why do the roses seem to smile when I pass by?

Why do the peaches feed me during the winter?

Why does everything I touch become more alive?

Perhaps so many questions would soon cause him a headache. He just had to ask, but who?

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