The birthday gift

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Here is a pretty long chapter to make up for not updating a lot, well in my opinion it's a long chapter. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy and if you guys want to see anything or have any ideas that you think would be good, tell me and I'll consider doing them!!

Ben's P.O.V

Joshua was back. I can't believe that everyone is just welcoming him back like he didn't betray the CIA or do anything wrong. Earlier I saw him in the hallway, trying to talk to Erica but all she did was glare at him. I smiled when I saw that but I shouldn't have because little did I know, he saw me. And this is basically where we are now.

"Listen you little punk. I don't know what you and Erica had going on while I was...gone but it's over now. She's mine."

Usually if someone who was older than me and way more stronger than me, threatened me and cornered me against the wall then I would have just shut my mouth. However, hearing him say that Erica is his was making my blood boil.

"She isn't yours Joshua. She's not just some object that you can own and treat like shit!"

He looked a little shocked that I actually said something back but it quickly turned into anger.

"Well I don't give two shits Ben! Erica is mine and trust me when I say that she doesn't care about you. You're just a weak little nerd who thought that a hot girl like Erica would actually pay attention to them. It's embarrassing really."

"Shut up! You don't even actually care about her, you just want her because of her beauty but there is so much more to her than that."

"Oh great, here comes the sappy speech about how you love her and blah blah blah."

Before I could think about what I was about to do, my fist had already punched his face.

"What the hell?!"

"Don't ever talk about her like that again! It's your fault that she's scared of relationships of any kind. You're a scum bag who never deserved any of her attention or love!"

If Joshua was angry before, he was furious now. He clenched his fist and threw a punch at me. I was prepared to get hit so I closed my eyes but I never felt it. I opened my eyes to see Erica block Joshua's fist.

"Get lost if you still want to see with your other eye."

She said that with such a cold tone and murderous eyes that Joshua got scared, heck even I got scared. He started to walk away but not before sending me a glare.


"It's nothing. He's a jerk who shouldn't even be here but our stupid principle let him back in."

"Yeah....well um I have a question for you."

"What is it?"

I looked into her eyes and saw the curiosity yet coldness in there at the same time. There was also something else in there, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Well in two days it's June 16th and it's-"

"Your birthday."

"You remember?"

"Of course I remember, I'm not stupid."

I should have been a little hurt by her tone but instead, I was happy that she remembered my birthday.

"I didn't mean it in that way, I just-"

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