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Hey guys, sorry that I haven't updated since like October but I'm finally updating again!🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ I have more than like 4 drafts of updates for this one-shot book so I'll try my best to update frequently with those ideas. It's just with school, my lack of motivation, and everything else going on, I haven't been able to update. Anyways, this one-shot will kind of have spoilers for the ending of the 9th book. I haven't read it yet but I know a lot of things and I know the ending (which I'm so happy about). But anyway, to the one-shot.

Ben's P.O.V

I can't stop thinking about her, no matter how hard I try to. It's so hard, especially now with what happened between us on our last mission. I can barely focus on anything. I'm always zoning out and thinking about what happened, even though it was only like half a week ago. I'm not even completely sure since my brain is all over the place because of...well you know. What makes it embarrassing is that every time I zone out, I apparently start turning red and "breathing differently" (according to Mike). Of course, I haven't told him what happened, I don't want Erica to get uncomfortable or mad that I told someone of what happened. I wonder if she's thinking about it too right now-


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at Mike.

"Seriously dude, why do you always go red and start breathing like you're dying or something?"

"Sorry, I've just been uh...distracted lately."

"With what?"

"Just uh...stuff and other..stuff."

"Are you hiding something from me ben?"

As he said that, I started to get nervous and looked away. I tried to calm myself down like Erica had taught me and it started to work but then he spoke again.

"Is it about Erica or something?"

"No! I mean no. It's not."

He looked at me suspiciously so I just tried to shake it off by drinking some water from my water bottle.

"Oh, so you like someone else now?"

I decided to keep drinking water and act like I was super thirsty, that way I could avoid his questions. However, someone came in and made it a bit more difficult.

"Ben's not crushing on another girl."

Mike screamed and turned around quickly to see nobody other than Erica Hale.

"Erica! What the heck?! I could have had a heart attack or something!"

"But you didn't. So you're fine."

"Well-I mean...oh whatever."

I started getting nervous again and tried looking anywhere else but at Erica or Mike. Which of course, became harder since she decided to sit next to me. I could smell her intoxicating lilac and gunpowder smell. This time I could tell that my breathing had changed again.

"Ben, are you okay?"

"What? Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're breathing changed...again and you answered that way too quickly."

"No it didn't and no I didn't, I'm fine."

"Okay? So Erica, do you need anything?"

"No. Why?"

"No I mean because're sitting right next to us and you don't really do that. Like ever."

She stayed quiet for a while but I felt her eyes look over at me for a second and saw her slightly smile when I started blushing again. I doubt that Mike saw anything and if he did, (I hope he didn't) he didn't show it.

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