Chapter 19

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Alice's P.O.V.:

        I was walking down the streets alone. It was dark; probably around 7:00pm. I looked over to the houses in the neighborhood and recognized one. I made my way towards it slowly. I stood a few minutes in front of the front porch. I made my way towards the right side of the house, knowing that I would be able to see the dining room from there. The light was on and through the windows I could see four people eating and laughing. I hid between the bushes. I think that my dad told a joke because he, my mom, Sarah and David were laughing. I smiled a bit but then felt a tear roll from my eye. They seemed perfectly fine and happy without me. Once again, I realized that they didn't loved me. They never did. No one will ever love me...

        I woke up with an immense feeling of emptiness. My eyes watered as I sat up and started to cry. It was around 4:00am. I cried for a while; around 15 minutes before I could, finally, calm myself down. I don't like to cry. Not in public, not alone.

I heard a knock on my door so I laid back down and pretended to be asleep.

"Alice...", I heard a voice whisper. As soon as I heard it, I recognized it. It was Dr. Hood. "Alice, wake up.", she said quietly as she shook me lightly. I pretended to wake up as I said: "Wh-hi...", my voice as loud as a whisper.

"Alice..., something happened.".

 "Uh oh...bad news...", I thought.

Maybe someone committed suicide, maybe somebody died. My head started to jump to conclusions.

I sat up. "What is it?", I said, my voice still quiet.

" see... Michael, the-the volunteer...", she said, her voice trailing off.

From the look in her eyes I could see something has happened to him. My heart started to beat faster. I nodded so she'd go on.

"He...he has been on an accident.".

Michael's P.O.V.:

I woke up but my eyes were still closed. I had a huge headache. I opened my eyes slowly but the lights quickly blinded me so I shot them close. I tried once again to open them and succeeded. I looked around. I was in...what it looked like...a hospital room.

 "What the fuck?...", I thought. What on Earth am I doing here?

Soon enough, a person, that looked like a doctor, came into my room.

"Ah, Michael. How are you feeling?", the man said. I looked at him with confusion plastered all around my face.

"I'm Dr. Evans. You're in White River Hospital. You were in a car accident...", he explained. Car accident? I don't remember that...

"I suppose you don't remember that thanks to the look on your face, is that right?", Dr. Evans said.

"Yeah-No. I don't remember anything about accident.", I said, my voice a bit husky. "Did...did someone got hurt?...", I asked looking up at him. "Please, say no. Please, say no.".

"Uhm...there was...there was this one girl...", he said looking down. "She died because of the impact.".

No. No. No. No. No. No.

I-I killed...I killed someone. I'm a murderer. I'm a...

The doctor walked out of the room and I couldn't contain the tears. My head hurt, my arm hurt and heart hurt. I cannot believe I killed someone.

I looked up, trying to calm me down when I noticed two people outside my room. Ashton and Alice. They walked in silently. I tried to hide the fact that I was crying. I didn't want them to see me cry, especially not Alice.

"Mike, how ya' feeling?", Ashton said, getting closer to the bed. Alice stood by the door playing with her hands.

I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out. I didn't know what to say. My eyes started to water again. "Great.".

"Dr. Irwin...", I sweet, soft, delicate voice said.

Ashton turned around and started to walk towards Alice. I could hear them whisper something that I couldn't understand. Soon enough, Ashton was out of my room and it was only me and Alice.

I still felt the need to cry but I didn't wanted to cry in front of her. I tried to keep the tears in by playing with my hands and biting my lip. From the corner of my eye, I could see her making her way to me slowly. She sat on the chair next to my bed. I heard her clear her throat lightly.

"Are you...", she spoke softly. "Are you in pain?...", she asked swiftly. I turned my face a bit to my left so I could see her. She was playing with her fingers, looking down at them. I didn't know what to answer. I didn't want her to feel pity for me so I couldn't teel her the truth but I also didn't wanted to lie to her. It's better if I just keep myself shut.

I examined every centimeter of her face. I saw her lips and I felt the need to feel them against mine. For a moment, I forgot about the murder but then it popped in my mind again. She look up to me and we just stared at each other comfortably.

"Michael?...", she asked in confusion, her voice as soft as it was before. I snapped out of my trance.

I cleared my throat. "Yeah?".

"Are you in pain?", she said looking me dead in the eye but still she asked kindly.

I looked away. "No...", I said my voice trailing off.

"Don't lie, please.", she said. I looked at her again one more time and I just couldn't resist tell her the truth.

My eyes watered even more as I said: "Yes.". I looked down.

We stood in a half awkward silence before she stood up and came even closer to me as she was about to tell me a secret but, instead, she started to walk away. I took her hand. She looked down at me as I looked up at her.

"Please...don't leave.", I said with tears rolling down my eyes.


Author's Note:

I know you hate me. I know I'm irresponsible and I don't even know why you guys are reading this but thanks. Thank you so much.

Special thanks to @britt67890 for that message you sent me. Maybe it was nothing for you but it made my day.

Guys, remember to leave comments to let me know what you think about the story so far.

Thanks for voting, thanks for reading. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Love yaaaa. Take care .xx

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