Me Being A Disciple

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I often ask myself am I able to do the things the Lord asks me to do? I know I am weak and often fall into sin. But what exactly is my calling? But in my reflection why do I need to be a disciple? Because that is the Lord's command and if all believers do not disciple no more future generations will hear the good news.This is the purpose which I live. Why He called me? So that the light He has given me, may also be passed unto others. I realized that there are so many people who never know Him. I want my whole family to know and receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I pray that many will get to know Him. I always remember what our pastors taught us, that we should never stop sharing the gospel as long as there is unbelievers.
I really need to take time to pray, that God may open my understanding and heart to the things of God. And be a good disciple, follow my leaders and mentors. May God give me the gift of discernment for His divine appointment. And that, I too may have the courage to share the gospel. Right now, I'm still in the process of adjustment, where the Lord is teaching me a lot. I admit most of the time I have hard time obeying and do the will of God. But by the grace of God, He always reminds me of my true purpose in this world.I pray that God give me boldness to share the gospel.

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