the chuck e cheese one

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(an even distribution of ireland/china and germany/italy, its really only implied though)

its more or less just the four of them being absolute brainlets

"Why did you feel the need to take us to a place like this?" China asked, voice sounding tired. He was in the car with Ireland, Germany, and Italy currently on the way to the most cursed place- anywhere. Chuck E. fuckin' Cheese.

Ireland passed him a glance from the drivers seat. "Because, it's Italy's birthday and he wanted to come here. And nobody says no to Italy, right Germs?" He winked in the mirror, hoping Germany would see it.

Germany nodded solemnly, not wanting to talk. He too, was tired from staying up all night working on some bullshit paperwork the EU gave him. Not like he had a choice.

"Italy, what the fuck is wrong with you?" China hissed. No literally, he hissed he's part dragon he can do that.

"What do you mean? I just like coming here for that stereotypical Italian animatronic they have, he's a pretty cool guy!" Italy beamed, thinking about all the fun he was gonna have today.

"But the pizza is horrible, is it not?"

"I have very high standards for what pizza should taste like, and due to that I can agree the pizza tastes like burnt corpses coated in toenail clippings, but the food doesn't matter!"

Before the small disagreement could continue, the car pulled into the parking lot of the dreaded place.

Italy was practically having a seizure in excitement, while the rest of the countries either sat there in silence, or groaned in discontent. (Cough cough, China, cough cough)

Once Ireland parked, Italy leapt out of the car like a dog about to book it down the street. He quickly ran to the other side of the car to pull Germany out as well, but ended up wasting more time because there was a lot of trouble with the seatbelt-

All four were out by now and walking into the building. They were greeted by a lady behind a podium lookin thing and she asked a few questions.

"Hello and welcome to Chuck E. Cheese! Do you have a reservation for a party?"

"Nein, we do not." Germany grunted monotonously.

"And how many of you are there today?"

"Can you count?"

"Just the four of you, for now, then. Any kids with you?"

"If you can count this dummkopf," he pointed his thumb behind him to Italy. "then yes."

"Okay you four, follow me!" The lady said, walking over to a long table directly in front of the show stage. She placed four menus on said table, and let the boys seat themselves. "So, what can we start you off with to drink tonight, fellas?"

"I wouldn't assume you sell alcohol here, do you?" Italy asked, a little anxious about it.

The lady smiled. "We do, actually! A variety of beers and wines. There's a limit on how much you can have, though." She warned.

"Oh! That's great! I'll have a glass of red wine, then."

"Beer for the both of us." Ireland gestured to Germany.

"A water will suffice, thank you." China nodded towards the waitress.

"Alright, I'll be back with those soon!" She said, walking away to the kitchen.

A short while later when all four of them had their drinks, some music began to play. Generic rock music made to entertain small children who have no taste. Not saying rock is bad, but- oh whatever

Italy made a loud screech of happiness and excitement. "The band! The animatronics are gonna come on soon!! Germany look oh my GOD THE CURTAIN IS PULLING UP AAAAAA-" During his tangent, he hooked his arm around Germany's shoulders, shaking him every time something new happened.

There they were. The creepy ass animatronic motherfuckers that traumatized kids for generations. Including Italy's favorite, Pasqually.

"PASQUALLY!! I LOVE YOU! COME GIVE ME AN AUTOGRAPH!!" Italy screamed for everyone in the restaurant to hear.

"Lieber, stop. Bitte. The animatronic can't give you an autograph." Germany tried to calm him down, mostly out of embarrassment.

China was ducking his head, trying not to be seen out with these fucking idiots.

The band eventually started an actual show, doing whatever the fuck they do idk I haven't been there since I was 3.

Ireland was now just pestering China about where he wanted to go for their vacation next week. "How about... Antarctica!" He suggested, seeming excited.

"Um, you know we're legally not supposed to go there. Plus with our climates, I think we'd die as soon as we got anywhere near Greenland." China protested.

"Well damn. Daytona Beach?"

"Where the hell is that?" Italy questioned.

"I dunno, Portugal?" Ireland answered, unsure of his answer.

Germany slapped his hand over his face so hard it most likely left a hand print where it could. "You two are so fucking stupid. Daytona Beach is in Florida, Amerika." He muttered the last bit.

"Like hell I'm going to America for vacation." China scoffed. This ended up starting a heated debate about whether America was worthy of being a vacation spot, but I'm not gonna write it!

Once the animatronics finished their show, it was around 7 pm. This wasn't late by any means, but it was starting to get dark and the four thought it was time to go home.

After China cleared their mess at the table and left a very good tip for the waitress, which was at least $100, they left the building and got back to the car.

Ireland started it up, and while everyone was getting strapped in, he asked, "So, was it worth coming here?".

China and Germany both uttered a no, while of course Italy shouted a loud yes.

In conclusion, fuck you Chuck E Cheese i hate you

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