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        It's been a month since Caroline last seen Klaus, she didn't even say goodbye to him, she just packed her things up and left with everyone. She wondered if he would call her, but he never did and that kind of hurt her feelings but she knew it was for the best. Caroline walked over to her window and looked outside. She loved watching the leaves fall, they were dying, but they would come back to life soon, and she loved that. 

        "Caroline." Caroline heard a familiar voice from behind her. She knew who it was; Finn. She turned around quickly running towards him. He then used his magic to stop her. She fell to the ground and screamed with pain. "Oh Caroline, why did you leave my poor brother Klaus? You knew he would protect you but you just left.. Why?" Finn asked Caroline, she was weak when he stopped using his magic. She turned on her back and closed her eyes. 

        "It was for.. For the best." Caroline weakly said. Finn laughed at her. 

        "Well, Caroline, it wasn't." Finn said to her. The last thing she saw was Finn bending down towards her before everything went black. 

        "Oh Klaus, this girl really took a toll on you." Marcel said kicking his feet up on the table. Klaus stood up and slapped his feet down. 

        "I'm in no mood Marcel." Klaus told him as he walked over to the beer. "She never meant anything to me." He spat. Before Marcel could say anything Rebekah walked into the room. 

        "Lies." Rebekah told Klaus. Klaus took a drink of the beer and then sat his glass on the table. 

        "Excuse me?" Klaus asked her. 

        "Don't even use that excuse Nik, you were in love with her. Even if you say you weren't, you were." Rebekah said without a pause. Klaus smiled at her. 

        "You're right, she was my light, my everything. But not anymore, she left me all alone in the darkness." Klaus said slurring his words at the end. Marcel looked at Rebekah and smiled. 

        "He's way passed drunk." He told her. She nodded her head yes. Klaus' phone went off in front of Rebekah. She grabbed the phone before he could. 

        "No, go sit down for a moment." She told him and then looked at the message. It was a picture. She opened it up and saw Caroline sitting in a chair' blood all over her body and face. She was weak. Rebekah's face fell. She didn't want to tell Klaus because she knew what he was going to do. She just stared at the picture and then another text popped up. It read; Better come and get her brother or else she won't live by tonight. Rebekah dropped the phone and gave Marcel and Klaus a look. She knew that she had to tell Klaus about this, this was way too much and she wasn't strong enough to stop him.  

        "What's going on Rebekah?" Marcel asked her with concern in his voice. She stood up from the table and looked at Klaus. 

        "Finn has Caroline.." 

a/n: Sorry if this sucks, I was trying to update before I went back to school tomorrow. I hope you like it. Please comment, vote and add this story to your library! Thank you! xoxo 

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