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3 years later

Caroline finally accepted the fact that Klaus was out of her life for good. She couldn't lie about the fact that she missed him some days and the others he would completely escape her mind. Her son, Maxwell just turned 3 about a month ago and he was talking now. I was so weird for Caroline to watch as her son grew up before her eyes and she was never going to age a day in her life. Caroline thought it through and when the day comes, she will tell her son about her being a vampire. He's probably going to wonder why his mother is the same age as him and how it was even possible. But she also knew that she didn't want her son to be a vampire. She knew she could control herself but she wasn't sure for him. She wanted him to live his life and live to be 90 or something.

"Mommy, can we please get some ice cream?" He tugged on her shirt and she laughed at him.

"Fine, but this is it for this week. You had ice cream 3 times yesterday." She told him and he agreed. They went inside the ice cream shop and Maxwell picked out his favorite, Blue Moon. Caroline walked out of the shop with her son and bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry," she said and then she looked up to see Klaus standing in front of her. "Klaus." She stated and he had a small smile across his face.

"Hello Caroline," Klaus said. Caroline was frozen in her tracks. She hasn't seen Klaus in three years and he was standing in front of her. Klaus looked down to see a little boy eating ice cream.

"You must be Maxwell." He told the little boy. Maxwell nodded his head and stuck out his tounge. Klaus laughed at the little boy who revealed that his tounge was blue.

"Yeah that's my name, I love ice cream." Maxwell stated in a cute voice. Caroline pulled Maxwell closer to her because he seemed like he wanted to wonder off.

"Stay here Maxwell," She told him and he listened. "What are you doing here?" She asked him and Klaus smiled at her.

"I have some business to take care of up here and I just ran in to you." He told her and she laughed.

"Yeah, you always have business to take care of. Is Hope here with you? Maybe Maxwell and her can play together or something." Caroline asked him and he shook his head no.

"No, she's with Hayley on New Orleans. I'm heading back there tonight. Maybe I can take you out to dinner before I leave?" He asked her. Caroline began to blush and looked down at Maxwell, whom was almost done with his ice cream.

"Uh, sure. I can get a babysitter for Maxwell tonight." She told him and Klaus began to smile widely.

"See you tonight Caroline."


Caroline opened the door to see Klaus standing in a tux. Klaus admired Carolines dress which was white with black lace around her waist. Her hair was in lose curls and her makeup was simple.

"You look beautiful." He told her and she began to blush. He put his hand out for her to take. She took it and followed him outside to his car. He opened the door for her and she hoped in and he hurried around to the drivers side.

It took about 10 minutes to get to the restaurant. They sat at a table that was off by it self because Klaus compelled the people to give them the best seating.

"This is lovely." Caroline told him as she took a drink of her wine.

"You look lovely." Klaus told her and Caroline laughed.

"Smooth." she said and he laughed along with her.

Klaus and Caroline talked about the future and what's been going on the past 3 years. She told him about Maxwell and how she's excited for his future. Klaus told her about New Orleans and everything is looking up. Finally it was time for them to leave. Klaus drive Caroline back to her apartment and walked up the stairs.

"So this is it." She told him and she looked down at the ground. Klaus grabbed her chain and she looked back up at him.

"I have to go." He said and he place a kiss on her cheek. She smiled at him and he walked back to his car. Caroline turned around to walk inside her apartment building when she heard Klaus call after her. She turned around and saw him with his car door open and him standing right before it.

"However long it takes." He said with a huge smile across his face and he got into his car and drove off. Caroline stood on the steps for a moment and smiled to herself. Then she whispered something to herself;

"However long it takes."

a/n: guys it's over and I'm actually crying! I enjoyed writing this story so much and I'm honestly so thankful for everything you've guys did! Thank you sooooo much!!
(If you want you can read my other klaroline fanfic called Gone.)

With much love,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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