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Caroline woke up in the morning with a smile plastered across her face. She smiled at the thought at Klaus' lips against hers and how it felt so right. She sat up in bed when she heard a faint knock at the door.

"Come in." She said as she stretched her arms. She laughed when she saw Klaus walk into the room with food in her hands. She never thought in a million years that the evil 1000 year old hybrid would bring her breakfast in bed.

"What's so funny?" He asked her as he used his foot to shut the door shut. Caroline put her hands up in defense and laughed a little.

"Nothing, nothing at all." She put her hands to her mouth to keep her from laughing at him. Why was this so funny to her?

"Ha ha ha, you're so funny Caroline." He said joining her. She soon dropped her hands in her lap and watched as Klaus placed the tray next to her on the night stand.

"Thanks," She said and she closed her eyes to focus on the smell of the eggs and bacon. "Smells great." She told him and placed a kiss on his cheek. Klaus felt his heart pound with excitement. He's only felt one other way about a girl and that was Tatia. Klaus shook the thoughts out of his head and looked down at Caroline, he admired her beauty and loved the way her hair stayed perfect, even when she slept.

"I'm going to go, come out when you're ready." He told her and walked out of the room. Klaus walked into the living room and saw Rebekah and Cami sitting on the couch.

"So," Rebekah began to say. "Caroline Forbes." Was all she said. Klaus rolled his eyes and looked at Cami. Her eyes filled with hurt and for some reason he felt guilty.

"Stop." He snapped and she did. Klaus turned around when he heard footsteps walking into the living room. Caroline stood there smiling. Klaus turned back around to see Cami's reaction. Cami stood up and walked out of the room. Klaus soon followed after her leaving a confused Caroline.

Davina sat down on her bed and continued looking for ways to bring back Kol. She and Rebekah promised to find a way to bring him back and she wasn't going to give up. Davina looked up from her bed when she head her door shut. She say him. In the flesh. The real Kol Mikaelson. Davina was in complete shock. Wondering how he came back. Lol walked closer to her and a tear escaped.

"Davina." He whispered. Tears started to well up in her eyes and she stood up from the bed walking towards him in surprise.

"Are you really here?" She asked and Kol nodded his head slowly. A smile formed upon his face and so did hers. She placed a hand on his cheek and kissed him. The kiss felt exactly the same as before he was gone. It was him. It was the Kol Mikaelson she fell in love with.

Klaus ran outside and walked up to Cami. He grabbed her by the wrist and turned her around, she quickly wipped the tears away and Klaus felt horrible. He didn't know why he felt this way, he never thought he would. He placed his hand on Cami's cheek and she looked him in the eyes. Cami took a step forward and kissed him. He kissed her back and deepened the kiss. Klaus pulled away from her and watched as her eyes trail off to looked at something else. He turned around and saw Caroline standing there. His heart shattered into a million pieces when he knew what he did. Caroline walked up to him with tears in her eyes. She looked at Cami for a minute and then back at Klaus.

"However long it takes?" She asked him and he didn't say anything. He just stood there. Caroline shook her head and snapped his neck in a heartbeat. She looked at Cami and smiled. "He's yours now." Caroline told her and walked over his body. leaving them both behind.

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