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Ivy's POV



oh it's 4pm

you better be on your fucking way

i looked at my phone as the college administrators looked at me, they asked me questions like "why are you 21 and can't drive" while it was hard to fight the urge to cuss out my brother during the four voicemails that i left my brother hoping that he would answer.

"You must be Ivy's sibling..." the front desk lady said as my brother walked into the school. I could see a student walking across the front office looking my brother up and down in awe. I just rolled my eyes and walked out of the front office with my brother, who seemed to be more focused on his phone than the fact he was almost an hour late to pick me up.

"What the fuck, Will." I said as I sat down in the the passenger seat of his car.

"Listen, I'm sorry I was late. I had to pick up my friends from the airport and it took a lot longer than I thought it would." Wilbur said, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Your stupid streamer friends are here? You could've told me, asshole." I say, in a more calming voice than before. I don't really know what his friends look like, I've really only seen Tommy and Toby once when we went on a walk to the beach. I remember that day perfectly, we were walking along the shore while Toby and I were picking up the prettiest shells we saw and gave them to Will to hold on to them. He didn't like holding them since we picked up too many of them, but we really didn't care because we were having fun.

Wilbur and I talked the whole car ride about meeting his 3 friends at the hotel they're staying at since it looked really fancy and there was an extra bed so we could spend the night just for fun. They planned on streaming on something called their "alt" which I didn't really understand but went along with it.

We arrived at the hotel and Wilbur parked his car in the big parking lot. We walked over to the entrance and saw many girls with tiny and tight dresses staring at Wilbur like he was some sort of prize one of them could win. I felt a bit anxious about being around so many different people, until we walked into the elevator.

"What room number are you guys in?" Will said while talking to one of his friends on the phone. His friend was on speaker since no one else was in the elevator, and I could hear him giggling now and then. His giggles were really funny and it made me smile a bit.

Wilbur hung up on his friend and put his phone in his pocket. "They seem to be in room 347, which is to the left of this hallway apparently" He said quietly.

We were getting closer and closer to the room and I could feel my heartbeat getting faster.

"Will, what are your friends like. As in personality."

"Well they're quite loud and I'm sure they'll match your chaotic mood" He answered, laughing.

"I do not have a chaotic mood."

"We'll see about that when you meet them."

We rung the doorbell that was next to a small golden sign which read ROOM 347. We heard a bit of excited screaming through the door which made me and Will chuckle.

"HELLO WEELBUR SOOT" a guy with dark brown hair peeking out of his beanie said. He was shorter than the other two men in the room. I was about the same height as him, maybe a bit shorter.

"QUACKITY" Will responded in a childish voice, matching the shorter guy's tone.

"AYO FEMALE VERSION OF WILBUR" another guy said, wearing corpse merch. I was a bit taken back by the fact he just called me the girl version of my brother. I know we're siblings but, I am so much swaggier than him.

"Nick, this is Ivy. Ivy, this is Nick. He prefers being called Sapnap though."

We finally walked into the hotel room which had a huge balcony with a great view. There was a fluffy brown haired male sitting on a chair at the balcony. He introduced himself and said his name was Karl, he was really nice and I realized he was the one giggling on the phone earlier.

"Well I'm Ivy, the better version of Will."

After talking for about 10 minutes, we walked back into the room and closed the glass sliding door behind us. He also asked to touch my hair, and said it was quite soft. That comment made me smile again.


"ONLY FOR YOU, MY LOVE" I responded, matching his very hyper energy.

"BACK OFF DUDE, SHE OBVIOUSLY WANTS ME MORE THAN YOU" Sapnap said, giving Alex a threatening look.

"You guys can all have me, I'm too beautiful and amazing to just pick one of you" I said, rolling my eyes.

"I told you you were chaotic just like them" Will said.

"I AM NO-" I said, being cut off by someone hugging me from behind.

a/n: hi guys, this is my first published story, it's kinda bad but that's ok. Please don't comment on my grammar, I don't proof read because that's for losers 😔⁉️ (jk i love you guys thx for reading<3)

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