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Karl's POV

Wilbur and Alex had just left the hotel room, I was talking to Sapnap.

"I think Ivy went to sleep, she was really tired for some reason" Sapnap said, in a strangely calming tone. He looked at me as I smiled, not listening to anything he just said. "I know you like her" he said, which made me focus back on what he was saying. "This isn't 3rd grade, it's not like I'm gonna pass a note to her saying 'i like you, do you like me back?'" I responded.

"Well you sure act like you're gonna-" Sapnap was cut off by me covering his mouth with my hand, not wanting to hear another word from him, but the muffled sound made me giggle.

"Listen Nick, she is Wilbur's sister. You know how protective he is with her, she's younger than him which apparently makes her more vulnerable." I said.

"Just because she's Wilbur Soot's famous sister doesn't mean you can't fuck her." He responded.


"Never mind, just get this, she's an adult and so is Wilbur. He can't just stop her from having a love life" He said, trying to act smart, which made his comment sound funnier.

"How can you even be so sure that she feels the same way?" I asked.

"No one is super attatched and touchy for just shits and giggles. It has to mean something" He said.

"I'm going to sleep" I said, walking away trying to ignore what he just said.

"And you're sleeping in the same bed as her, jesus christ you're clueless" he said smiling. I thought about the couple of times Ivy hugged me, it made me feel quite safe.

She makes me happy.

*time skip*

I woke up, the top of Ivy's head was buried into my chest while she was scrolling through her phone. I looked down and her gently playing with the bottom portion of my shirt with her free hand. I move my arm, which startled her a bit. She looked up and smiled as her cheeks turned to a light tint of pink. I giggled as she tried pulling away from my grip, but failed as I would not let go.

"We're going to the theme park in like 2 hours, I think" she said, grinning up at me. I get up and walk towards the bathroom and look in the mirror, trying to fix my messy hair. Ivy was looking through the outfit that the boys had grabbed for her yesterday, trying to picture herself and how she would look with it on.

"So you and Ivy, huh?" Wilbur said, walking into the room I was in. "Oh, well she's a good person, like she's always been really sweet to me!" I responded, smiling at him.

"You realize I'm not stupid right? I know damn well that she's into you. She just met you and you're the only thing she talks about." He said, as he put a hand on my shoulder for comfort.

"W-well I just-"

"Ohh, you think I wouldn't approve of um, whatever is going on between you two?" He said, chuckling a bit and staring at me for quite a bit. It wasn't an uncomfortable stare, it was more of a way of him reassuring me that it's okay.

"I guess it will just lead somewhere eventually" I said, giggling a bit while Will was laughing.

I walked out of the room, and noticed Ivy looking in the mirror. A look as if she was disgusted. What could she possibly complain about? I felt a frown form on my face as I see her shaking her head while still looking at her outfit. She noticed me standing in the doorway, watching her act like she couldn't recognize herself in the mirror.

"Hey Karl! Are you ready to leave?" she said, discarding the fact she looked like she was on the verge of tears. I walked closer to her, also looking at the mirror propped up against the wall with its stand. She could tell that I saw her while she was overthinking, so she hugged me as she took a few deep breaths which stopped her from crying. No words, no explanations, just comfort. Just by the way she stayed still in my arms, I could tell she didn't want to talk about the situation.

"Let me know when you're ready, okay?" I said, pulling away from the hug and smiling at her. She nodded and grabbed her phone after hearing it ring. I walked into the room with the boys, and heard their voices get louder as I entered.

"No because we all knew already since the start-" Alex said, being cut off when seeing me standing there trying to find something to wear from my suitcase.

"Knew what?" I asked, smirking playfully. Alex rolled his eyes while trying to match my mood. "We all know the shit going on between you and Ivy~" he said, his tone changing after saying her name. I looked away and acted as if nothing was just said, because I was sure there was something I wasn't quite certain of.

Would Ivy and I really work out? What if i mess something up and it ruins our friend group? I don't want to loose my friends..-

"Karl, we're all ready to go" I heard her sweet voice say from the front door of the hotel room, opening the door with the boys behind her. I grabbed my phone and the car keys which I handed to Wilbur, and walked out of the hotel room behind the rest of the group.

I smiled while seeing Ivy dance down the hallway. She was holding onto Sapnap's wrist, pulling him to dance with her. She laughed, her breath quickening as her hair flew in the wind. We got to the elevators and I pressed the button close to the bottom which had the letter G, Ivy checked her phone while still smiling at all the laughter she let out earlier in that hallway.

chaotic mood | karl jacobs x oc [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now