On The Run

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Dimitri let out a long, frustrated breath. This was the fourth time Lilliana von Elway had used her charms to persuade another of his soldiers to adhere to her demands.

He grabbed the shoulder of the newest convert and forced him backwards. "To the back of the line," he snapped, and the dumbfounded soldier dazedly held back.

Major Webbs waved the prince aside. "I'm married, Your Highness. Perhaps it would be best if I was the one to keep an eye on the young lady."

"She doesn't get that title," Dimitri snorted. "And I don't believe I trust even you around her anyways."

Webbs sighed. "Your Highness, safety is as much my objective as it is yours at the moment, and I can assure you that I can keep her under control for the time being. When we reach a place where we can procure supplies, we can switch places. Is that fair?"

Dimitri grimaced. "She's a menace, and you know it. A monster in the skin of a fair young woman. I greatly regret going to the trouble of convincing her to come with us."

"It would have been much harder to transport the children had we not taken her with," Webbs observed, "and perhaps she's doing something good for the soldiers' attitude."

By now the group had paused to await Dimitri's word on who would take the spot next to Lilliana; every one of the ex-convicts certainly hoped for the chance, and it wasn't hard to tell.

Taking another step away from everyone else and lowering his voice, Dimitri growled, "I find it the best option to kill her and leave her in the woods while we continue. The children are already walking with us without a complaint, so it shouldn't be a problem."

Webbs crossed his arms. "Are you prepared for a coup, Your Highness?"

Dimitri met his gaze and did the same. "Is that a threat, Major?"

"Not on my part, but on your soldiers' it certainly could be," Webbs stated sternly.

Lilliana lifted David into her arms and to her shoulder. "May I inquire as to what in Fodlan the two of you are blithering on about?" she said rather loudly.

With nary a glance her way, Dimitri replied, "You may not. This does not concern you nor does speaking elevate your chances of keeping your head."

She made a small 'o' with her mouth. Then she giggled and walked closer. "Actually, Highness," the young woman tittered, "I think this does concern me, doesn't it?"

He turned his head opposite hers. "...It does. Because you happen to be a monumental problem."

Lilliana cocked her head coyly. "Oh? And how's that?"

Dimitri gritted his teeth. "Because you're insufferable. And you're disorienting my men."

This amused her so that she began to laugh, a high-pitched and melodious sound. "Insufferable?" she attempted to control her outburst by holding a hand to her mouth. "Is that how you see me?"

"Yes, it is," Dimitri stated simply, giving her a withering look before going back to staring at Webbs.

Her laughter finally faded, and she pretended to be oh-so-innocent. "How cold you are to little old me!" she pouted.

She took another step closer, and he took another away.

"They aren't your men anymore, Dimitri," Lilliana chuckled. "They're mine. I only have a few more left, and guess what?"

When, as she expected, he refused to respond, she leaned in to whisper, "You're one of them, Dimitri. And when they don't listen to you anymore, you can come crawling back to me on your knees."

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