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You wake up the next day to your dadnshaking you and you sit up

You: jesussssss what time is it

Dad: like 8 ish. How you still sleep,

You: why am I being woken uppppp

Dad: that thing is here

You: huh

Dad: you stupid ass boyfriend cielo. Get up

You: oooooo yaaaaayyyy

You yet up running out of bed and to the front door andnyou run into him and fall and you jump back up giggling and you jump on him making him hold you

You: morning my beautiful babyyyyyyy

Geesy: you hella energetic baby, it's only jus after 8.

You: that s cuz my pretty boy is here I missed you lovely

Geesy: um. Okay. Can we go to your room please. *whisper* your dad is staring the fuck outta my tattoos. And my earrings. Babe. Help.

You: come onnn pretty boyyyyy

You grab his hand giggling and dragging him to your room and you close the door smiling and he hands you a box


Geesy: you been drinking?

You: uhuh

Geesy: OH FUCK. baby um you ate allat pasta yesterday?

You: mhmmmm it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Geesy: good?

You: Supa goooooooooood

Geesy: um yea, baby I gave you the wrong bowl. I gave you the oneni put buzzy butter in

You: oma goshhhhhhhhhh you drugged me?

Geesy: accidentally. I love you though

You: oh I know baby I was playing around that shit hit last night and I slept it off im coolin babyyyyy

Geesy: thank God. I was bouta be murdered by your dad oh my fucking god cielo dont play like dat.

You: I know, now pick my clothes, make me look sexy.

Geesy: okay........done.

You: hehe so funny get me clothes papi

Geesy: mh. Say it again

You: get me clothes Alejandro. Now. Serious. Hurry up! Leis getting me at 12

Geesy: and it's barely 8:20 goofy,

You: then cuddle meeeeeeee papiiiiiiiii

Geesy: keep calling me that ima put a baby in yo cute ass.

You: no you won't cuz you not even puttin your dick in any time soon. Sir.

Geesy: so mean, not niiiiiice.

You: awwwwww the poor baby boy come here gimme kiss.

He sits on you pecking your lips and you laugh

You: shouldn't this be reversed

Geesy: no. I'm laying here cuz I loooooooooove youuuuuuu sexy motherfucker. Wanna fuck da shit out you one day.

You: yea, one day.

You get up going to your closet and he looks at you eager.

You: uh- you gotta leave while I change we don't do that shit here pedo

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