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You wake up freaking out andnyou start crying having an anxiety attack and you grab ales hoodie crying andnyou just sit there shaking and he rubs his face looking at you

Geesy: heyyyy baby no what happened

You: dont touch me. P-please. Just let me be here.

Geesy: whats happening just tell me.

You: fucking anxiety attack dont fucking touch me please.

Geesy: mamas.

You: I dont even know what the fuck I'm scared

You wipe your face sitting you and he groans in pain quietly

Geesy: babe. Baby please let go of me.

You: im sorry

You kiss his hand smiling and wiping your face again and you see Marco sitting on isaias lap kissing his cheeks

Marco: babe. Isaias. Baby. Bebe.

Isaias: yes?

Marco: give me attentionnnnnnnnn I want kisses.

Isaias: Marco.

Marco: sorry.

Isaias: no baby its fine. Gimme kiss.

You laugh watching them andnyou take a picture.

Marco: child pornography.

Isaias: up to 25 years.

You: shut the hell up

Geesy: how many more hours

You: well. We just took a 9 hours nap pa. So. We're bouta land. And we'll walk to the villaaaaage.

Geesy: walk?

You: 2 and a half miles. After we get out of the Uber

Geesy: fair.

You: yea. So get up we gotta go and get our bags fast. It's so cool

Geesy: why princess

You: because we in California time it's 4 pm but here it's 12 in the afternoon, but the next day

Geesy:damn, time travel

You: kinda

Marco: lets go. I gotta see my grammaaaaaaaaa

You get off the plane and grab your bags and you get an Uber quickly and you get out and you all stand there

You: smells hella good. But. Baby ima change when we get to my grammas then I'll drag you around to meet everyone.

Geesy: great.

You start walking and after a while you get to your grammas and you go inside

You: uhhhh gramma?

Gramma: here.

She comes inside and you and marco hug here and she stands there staring up at ale.

Gramma: cielo e lapo'a ma o ia foi sili ona aulelei ou te fiafia I ana pe'a

Ale stands looking at you and you laugh

You: its okay baby she said you're huge, handsome, and she like your tattoos.

Geesy: oh she's cool too. He tats are cooler.

You: e fiafia o ia I lou pe'a

Gramma: nice.

She stands in front of Marco and isaias and picks up their hands which are holding each other.  in her own hand and you raises her eyebrows at Marco

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