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ales phone rings so i grab it. 

"allure's calling you." 

geesy: then answer verbally assault her and be done. 

"or just delete and block her number. it's that easy baby. but you struggle to do it." 

geesy: don't fuckin start shit with me.

"i'm  not. it's the truth. you're holding on to her, it's why you still have her number and you're holding on to the toxic non-existent feelings you still have for her." 

geesy: if i had feelings for that bitch, fuck would i be with you for.

"rebound, virgin slut kink, uhhh shit getting over her, lots of stuff honestly. "

geesy: yea, ion wanna talk to you right now. 

"and why is that"

geesy: cuz you startin shit and you know you are. and i don't wanna hear your mouth


geesy: please stop. 

"no comere baby i love youuuuuuuu aaaaaaaaaaa" 

geesy: get off me. 

"why,. i'm sorry" 

geesy: because you wanna accuse me of fuckin holding on to some bitch who cheated on me and used me for my money. and she fuckin like emotionally abused my ass. but keep goin.

"noooo i'm sorry pop comere baby."

geesy: why you bein a putaaaaaa

"i'm not trying to. i'm sorry, i thought it was 100% honesty time" 

geesy: oh bet then my turn. I'm jealous and feel insecure everytime you look at a girl for too long. 

"well thats your own problem cuz if i want a girl i'd leave you and fuckin get one" 

geesy: or you could just not do that. and try to make me not feel like shit. 

"i can't you choose to feel that way because i looked at someone." 

geesy: cielo.


geesy: why you such a bitch about shit.

"shut up." 

i get up leaving the room and i go into marcos room.


isaias: get ouuuuut.

marco: yea. 

"no. ale's being a bitch right now." 

marco: why

"because he said he gets jealous and insecure when i look at a girl for too long" 

marco: okay well thats fair. i get jealous when he looks at girls and when he looks at other guys. 

isaias: and he tells me so i make him feel better and i've stopped letting my eyes wander so much. 

"so what do i do. cuz he's not gonna let me baby him and  hold him and shit.

isaias: you go to him and say "hey love, i know how it makes you feel when i look at girls and i apologize for making you feel that way about yourself, you shouldn't feel like that because you're so handsome and i love you so much. next time tell me so i can correct myself" 


marco: give him kisses. forehead only. 

"fine. if this doesn't work i blame you both."

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