A joyous beginning

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Hey...  my name is f/n l/n. My quirk? you'll see.. I won't say much right now. You'll find out soon anyways.

No one's POV:
Your mother and Izuku's mother got pregnant a year apart from each other. Hence their kids weren't far off from birth. However something was different about you. When you were born you were a bit more developed from others hence you were a bit more exceptional in school which had you boost up a grade and so you and Izuku were in the same grade. No one knew your age so they assumed a lot about you. 

When you were born your mother almost lost her life however her blood was a bit more common so they tranferred blood over to her. Something weird happened with you however. You for some reason the blood of your mother and father didn't transfer to you. Your blood wasn't cooperating with you mom either and in this instance you and your parents' blood weren't really compatiable and in order to survive your body created it's own blood and that was O (you can either have O blood or your actual blood type). You were yellow for a bit but it wasn't really too bad, you ended up suriving but it was a very confusing and miraculous birth. 

Izuku was a small child who didn't know much about what was going on (Obviously the families explained what happened with you during family meetings when friends asked about your birth so that's how you and Izuku found out.).

After your birth Izuku loved coming over playing with you and taking care of you. Your mom had a quirk where she could summon any animal that can be tamed. Like wolves, dogs, cats, etc. She could bring them out and keep them out forever if she wanted or she could bring them out and keep them for a short amount of time as well. The simpler ones costed barely any energy like a puppy or kitten. Animals like an octopus costed a bit more. (Yes some octopus could be tamed). Your dad's was to bring souls or 'spirits' of others to help him when needed. (Basically fucking ghosts-)

Everyone was anxious as to see what your quirk would be. Izuku would come over every other day. Especially since they lived around the corner. Your moms took this as a chance to hang out and your dad was either left taking care of you guys or he would work or he'd join the ladies or he'd take a day to himself. Your mom worked as well. They worked as heros and whenever they weren't needed they were working as normal coffee shop owners. You were a cheerful little girl behind closed doors as well as innocent and pure. (obviously- you're a kid-^-) However your family saw you slightly more and more shut in and colder when around other people you barely knew. 

You were cautious but very lively when it came to those close to you. 

So let's start on day one...

The white room was filled with cries of a small infant child who was now known as...

"F/n L/n... that's what our baby girl will be named.." Your mother said breathlessly and happy. The room consisted of Inko, your father, your grandparents, some aunts and uncles (like 2 pairs) and the doctors. You were taken away by the doctos to be cleaned up when they noticed the issue with you. Your mother was recieving treatment at the time so they couldn't really say much about you just yet.

You were kept in an incubator connected to a couple other things. Your parents bursted into the room worried for you, they were told the situation that they knew of (which was that you were for some reson yellow) and that they'd get in touch with them when they figured it out and had everything settled. Your parents were obviously worried for you but they couldn't act so rash with your life possibly on the line. You were just barely brought into this world. 

A couple days later
The doctors explained the miraculous little recovery and what had happened. Those that were in the hospital room with you cried tears of joy. Inko brought along little Izuku with her and it was a joyous moment. Izuku just kept staring at the small little human being in your mother's arms. He giggled and smiled while pointing at you and started saying a bunch of things in his own little language as his mother just bounced him in her arms. He seemed to like you already and that made the two pair of mothers over the moon with joy. 

You were quiety asleep and seemed so still. When you were awake you didn't make much noise. You were a very quiet child but you did cry here and there. 

So on the joyous day of Y/b/d (your birthday). F/l M/n(middle name if you have one) L/n was born. 

That week was a very joy filled week. It was also a very peaceful month so there weren't any villian attacks and the coffee shop seemed to be doing well. Your birth was sure to be a miracle and a blessing. For almost everything was perfect. By almost I mean the fact that your dad was a clutz half the time. You had four sisters that were older than you. Two of them being twins and they were the middle kids. Well now not really. If anything the middle child would be the youngest twin. The youngest sister you have is two years older than you. Your oldest sister was five years older than you and your twin sisters are three years older than you. 

The oldest sister was named Kathleen. The twins were Mary and Jannet. The youngest was named Sherry. Their personalities varied in all honesty. Sherry was a bitch about not being the youngest anymore but her bitchy attitude only rubbed off towards you because she'd act like a saint to others especially your parents. Your parents treated all of you equally and showed it more than once or twice that they had no favorites. 

As you grew up around the age where you were four or five you and Izuku went to the same school and learned together. Izuku and you were in the same class since the principle thought it'd be a good thing if you were in a comfortable environment since you were just recently transferred thanks to you being slightly more advanced than other kids. 

And that's where your little story is starting off......

Soooooo the little mishap during your birth happened to my little brother during his birth sooo now he has O blood and I thought it was pretty cool so i gave it to y'all. The next probably twoish chapters are probably going to be about you growing up in a way. Sooo your childhood with Izuku before the big move.

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