Daily life

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"Hello there class" Our last period class spoke up. "Today since it's the last day of school why don't we share what school we're planning to go to next year" They spoke up and suddenly the room was full of chatter. "Alright who wants to go first!" The teacher spoke up. Suddenly kids kept raising their hands and speaking out what they wanted to go to. Once the whole class went, it was only me left.....

"How about you y/n?" The teacher spoke and I looked at my desk and stayed quiet. "It doesn't matter where she wants to go. They won't even spare her a glance! They'll turn her down on the spot!!" Lilly laughed and I bit my tongue. No one knew my parents or anything about me besides my birthday and the usual introductions people do in school. "Ms. Li! Sit down and zip it before you're sent to the office!!" The teacher scolded and lilly glared at me. I sighed. "No where.. I don't have a place to go.." I mumbled and the teacher looked at me with pityful eyes. 

"Exactly what I thought!!" Lilly spoke again and I wasn't phased. The class started laughing and I was getting more and more aggitated but I calmed myself down. I took in a deep breath and let it out. I was calmed down and the class either kept laughing or they minded their own business. "THE NEXT PERSON TO LAUGH WILL BE DOING COMMUNITY SERVICE THEIR WHOLE SUMMER, HAVE SUMMER CLASSES OR HAVE A BAD WORD TO YOUR FUTURE SCHOOL" The teacher was fed up with this and the whole class was now silent. 

The whole class period was just silent as some kids went on their phones or anything else to keep them away from being bored. 

I got note telling me to either kill myself, to jump off a roof, and to meet someone behind the school.

I sighed and put the notes away. I looked at my desk with dull eyes and I put my earbuds in and listened to music. 

When the bell rings
"Everyone stay safe and I hope you reach your dreams." The teacher spoke. I had nothing better to do so I went behind the school and when I did I was pinned against the wall and punched in the gut. I was let go of and I held my stomach and the grabbed me by my hair and I saw it was lilly and her little group, she was one of the minions of the two people ruling over the group. They started trying to beat me up and half way through a growl was heard and I grew tense. The growl got louder and louder and they stopped and looked around. They saw me tense so they decided to decide to do the worst thing possible and throw me into the open as they ran for their lives.

I didn't know if it was a random wild animal or what but I was slightly scared. The animal pounced on me and I was shaking. I open my eyes to see it being Salem and I let out a breath of relief and I giggled. He got off and I looked around to see he was with Aspen and Hunter. "Thanks for the help guys" I said with a small smile and they came up to me and rubbed their snout on me. I stood up, held Hunter and pet the three of them. "You guys have to get back alright?" I spoke and they nodded. Hunter got off me and they bowed and started turning to mist and fading away. 

I giggled once more, grabbed my things and left. 

I got home and I see my parents standing there with wide smiles and I gave them a confused look. "I'm home..?" I asked in confusion and they laughed. "Hunny we have good news!!" Mom spoke and I was confused but took off my shoes and placed them in the shoe cubby. "Yes mama?" I asked and her smile widened. "WE SIGNED YOU UP FOR UA!!" They spoke in unison and I froze. "Wha-" I started. "Yeah! Your test is in a couple months and-" They went on and on about this and I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that they signed me up for UA. "W-wait but.." I spoke and they stopped with smiles. "Yeah?" They said and I sighed and shook my head. "OH AND ALSO!" Mom spoke up. "We're going to be teaching there! So incase you need anything we're right there!" She said with a big smile and I let out a breath of relief.

"Good good, I don't know how I'd survive without you guys" I said and they laughed. "Alright c'mon champ! Training starts after you get changed!" My dad said and I nodded. "Wait what school does Sherry go to?" I asked. "Well to be honest they all went to UA, Kathleen is a teacher there too but I think she's a teacher for the non hero kids, they sometimes switch her around but that's about it." They explained and I nodded. 

I knew my family was more on the priveledged side since we had pretty strong genes. We were also very smart, Sherry barely passed the test for UA but it still counts. I usually forgot the lives of my sisters and their schools since I don't dwell on that, plus I'm pretty forgetful sometimes. The twins were graduating this year so that's something I'm looking forward to. They usually hate wearing dresses but it's a must for the graduation. 

The door opens up and I see my eldest sister come through. "Hey lil sis!" She says rustling my hair and I smile at her. "Hey Kath" I said. I looked at her up and down and realized she's hurt. I quicky drag her to the couch and started getting the first aid kit and a bunch of other things.

I'm known as the family's little doctor. Since I kept worrying about my family and their injuries when they fight I started learning how to patch them up. I lived my life as 'quirkless' for the better of everyone's lives so I couldn't really do much. The girls had a mix of our parents' quirks as well. Sherry had mom's quirk but instead of only tamed animals she can summon untamable animals but they'd be under her control anyways. The twins had both mom and dad's quirk. They could summon souls and animals but only tamable animals and it's limited to how many souls. They could control how vicious they are though so it makes up for it. 

Kathleen has souls as well but they could posses a person or two, the limit is three people at once but it has a drawback of being a bit draining depending how long it is. The drawback the twins have a drawback on where they can't fully control their souls at times, if they don't like them the souls can choose to not help them. Though the twins are likable and are usually able to get them under the wraps. Though the souls won't them die anyways since it's against whatever law they follow. 

Sherry is a bit dangerous since her drawbacks and mine are slightly similar. Sherry can't control her untamable animals on the spot but she's going to UA to be trained for that so she'll be fine. My drawback is that I can't lose control of my emotions since my quirk has a mind of it's own at times.

Sunshine (Deku x reader/Izuku Midoriya x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora