Yoongi was sitting in a chair, arms and legs tied with leather straps. Hoseok had been taken upstairs, the bearded man claiming 'it's not his turn yet'. The brunette refused to go at first, clinging onto Yoongi with dear life. He was eventually wrenched away from him, one of the bearded man's goons knocked him out cold. Yoongi then realised that this was going to be more than just using them for ransom.

The bearded man dressed him up in some woman's clothes, much to Yoongi's dismay. Instead of the sweater he had on, he now wore a short black skirt and a strapless light blue frilly blouse. Along with it was a choker of the same color around his neck, it made him feel like a dog. He felt awkward as he made an attempt to close his legs despite the binds. The man hadn't made him wear any underwear.

He still felt sticky from last night and the fabric from the skirt pinched his thighs. The idol gulped when the man returned from upstairs. He wanted so badly to ask if Hoseok was okay but knew he wouldn't get any answers. The man was dressed differently now, wearing a white button up underneath a denim apron. His sleeves were rolled up and he had thick black gloves on.

Yoongi thought that the man looked like a horror movie villain. Sick to his stomach, Yoongi realized that he was a horror movie villain. That made him a horror movie victim. He half thought about begging for his life but the rapper was prouder than that. He wouldn't give whoever this sick person was the satisfaction of seeing him break, not yet at least.

The man had a different mask on, the one that doctor's wore. Yoongi could see his eyes better now and he wished he didn't. They were devoid of emotion, making Yoongi feel ice cold. The noirette looked away, not wanting to look at this disturbed human being. He tensed as he suddenly felt a hand on his chin, forcing him to look up again.

"Look at you, so cute," The man cooed as he thumbed over Yoongi's bottom lip. "Last night was so fun, wasn't it? I'd love to hear you moan for me like that some time."

Yoongi flushed, feeling appalled at the man's words. He fought the urge to bite down on his thumb, even though he so badly wanted to. The noirette turned his head the other way, refusing to look at the man before him. He heard the man chuckle before running a hand through his hair.

"Aw princess don't be like that," The man spoke in a sweet voice, turning Yoongi's head back towards him. "Bad girls get punishments you know."

Yoongi glared at the man, wishing he wasn't tied up so he could beat the shit out of him. Of course he'd say shit like this, just because of what was between his legs. The noirette bared his teeth at the man, biting down on his gloved finger when he touched his lips again. He felt victorious as the man pulled his hand back and hissed. He didn't feel good long as he was suddenly slapped across the face.

It wasn't a light slap either, it made him dizzy and a little disoriented. The chair wobbled a little bit at the force of the slap, making Yoongi grip the arms of the chair tightly. His cheek throbbed in pain, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. The man breathed harshly as he drew his hand back, Yoongi flinching in case he was going to slap him again. The man just shook his head and turned around, messing around with stuff on the bench beside him.

"That was just a warning," The man said as he came back to face Yoongi. "If you do that again I won't go easy on you, understand?"

When Yoongi didn't respond the man growled and grabbed the noirette's face harshly. The idol winced as the bruise on his cheek started hurting. He stared into the eyes of the man, fearing for his life.

"I asked you I question," The man hissed and gripped Yoongi's face tighter. "Do you understand?"

"Y-y-yesh." Yoongi answered, his voice garbled.

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