A few days passed since Hoseok and Yoongi got kidnapped. Or maybe it was a few weeks, Hoseok didn't know anymore. What he did know was that he hasn't seen Yoongi in all that time. Was he still alive, or had they killed him and gotten rid of his body? Hoseok guessed he was still alive, if the pained shouts from last night were anything to go by.

Maybe that was all in his head though. The men came by a few times to feed him and give him water, along with a little extra something. Hoseok knew they were some kind of drug, it made him see things and feel sick all the time. Mostly it was the members laughing, crying or screaming out in fear. Eventually it made him feel numb, a feeling he'd come to crave more and more often.

Hoseok learned that Boss (as he was calling him now) wanted to know things the idol had no clue about. He kept asking him questions about some girl, showed him pictures that made him throw up. When Boss found that neither he nor Yoongi knew a thing, he went crazy. Giving up on trying to find out what happened, the man turned to revenge instead. And the revenge was nothing short of stone cold torture.

The idol was forced to watch the videos they made of Yoongi, the only time he'd ever gotten to see him. That was the only way Hoseok knew he was alive. The things they made Yoongi do were sickening, even more so the things they did to him themselves. Hoseok watched the screen, seeing a Yoongi that was dead to the world. The lights in his eyes were gone, replaced by something dark and empty.

Hoseok wasn't much better, the drugs he was forced to take seemed stronger and stronger each time. He found himself kind of thankful, feeling numb was better than the hopelessness and sadness he felt when they wore off. If he wasn't tripping out, then he was in a blissful state of unawareness, mind numb to the sick reality that had become his life. He found himself laying on the floor most of the time, limbs splayed out and dead to the world. Jung Hoseok was dead to the world, replaced by some mindless zombie.

Man One and Two didn't come around much anymore, only coming to give him food, water, and the drugs. They found him boring, not giving the reactions they wanted out of him. Hoseok had simply given up, fighting would do him no good. He had lost all hope, no longer the J-Hope armies knew and loved. However, that all changed one early morning.

Man Two had come to visit, earlier than Hoseok thought to be lunchtime. The first light of day had just appeared when the door opened. Hoseok was sitting on the mattress, back leaning against the wall. He felt too dizzy to lie down, the trip from last night had been a bad one. The brunette sat with his knees to his chest, blinking up blearily when the lamp was turned on.

Man Two was staggering slightly, a bottle of something in his hand. There was also something else in the blond's hand, a pistol. Hoseok straightened up, eyes glued to the gun. Man Two came closer, Hoseok eyeing him warily. He stood at the edge of the bed now, just staring at Hoseok.

Hoseok was beginning to think this was a nightmare, or another drug induced trip. Man Two stayed still for the longest time. Hoseok jumped when the man unexpectedly moved, going to kneel on the mattress. He was close to Hoseok now, the brunette didn't like that at all. Man Two was about to say something when he suddenly passed out.

The man fell right on top of Hoseok, the latter shoving the man away with his feet. The bottle and gun fell out of his hands as he collapsed half way on the floor. Hoseok stared down at the gun, hands twitching. The light from the window shined on it, illuminating the pistol in a bright silver light. It was as if the gun was beckoning him to pick it up.

Hoseok had never used a gun before, he never had a reason to. Now however, after being locked up for so long, his fingers itched to pull the trigger. But it was so quiet this early in the morning, Hoseok didn't want to wake everyone else up. Instead, he had another plan. The brunette took the gun carefully and hid it between the mattress and the wall.

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