Holy crap what has Junko done

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Wandering around aimlessly, Junko found a playground. She hadn't been to one of those in a while. Hmm, there were also some cans of spray paint on the ground. Were spray paint playgrounds a thing now? Seemed creative. She picked one of them up and shook it. It was half full. Aiming it at the slide, she wrote "Kids are annoying." and "Discord is the best!" now in a better mood, she painted a smiley face with an x for each eye. Eventually, the entire slide and some more were covered with paint. Junko stood back, proud of her creation. Some red and blue lights nearby shone on the work and made it prettier.
Wait... red and blue lights.
Junko had spent years of her life completely out of touch with the world around her, but she hadn't forgot what those lights meant.
Police cars.
She dropped the can of spray paint she was holding and sprinted away. Still having no idea where she was going, she made several twists and turns before finding a dumpster to duck behind.
Whew. I think I lost-
"Hello, missy, you're coming with us."

Junko's bad dayWhere stories live. Discover now