Go Go Go!

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Dylan was the first one to run out. He peered down the hallways, and once he was sure nobody was nearby he signaled to Junko. She hadn't told him this, but she had simply planned to use him as a living shield. If they were to get caught or injured, she wanted him to be the first one to go. She ran after Dylan, only stopping when she was right behind him.
They now had to be more careful, for you never knew when a guard could appear. Backs on the walls, they half-walked, half-slid down the hallway. Again, Dylan was the first to reach the end of the hallway, and he made sure no guards were in sight. Now it was time for the best part.
Running for it.
Earlier, Dylan had told Junko he knew where they could find a manhole. He didn't know exactly where it lead, but he figured going there was better than staying in prison. All they had to do was get to the cafeteria without being caught.
They ran, and ran, and ran.
"Faster!" Dylan hissed at Junko. He didn't know this, but she was intentionally keeping a couple steps behind him. Again, if the guards were to see one of them, it best be Dylan.
And one of the guards did see them. Two, to be exact.
"Hold up, mister, where do you think you're going?" the shorter of the two yelled. They hadn't seen Junko yet, so she was clinging to the wall for her life and trying to slowly inch back to their cell. She was almost there when she saw the very thing they were looking for.
The entrance to the cafeteria! It was even closer to them than Dylan had said it was!
Junko clenched her fists in anger. Had Dylan mislead her like this on purpose? She regretted bringing him along.
Now free from the wall, she was speed-walking to the cafeteria, silently praying that the guards were still busy with Dylan.
And just as she had snuck in, she heard yelling and loud footsteps. She opened the door just enough to see Dylan, with a black eye and a bloody nose, running straight towards her. The guards weren't in sight, but she sure could hear them yelling.
She jumped away from the door so Dylan wouldn't crush her when he came in. He was bent over, heaving for breath.
"Ugh... I sure showed those guards!" he proudly exclaimed.
Junko rolled her eyes.
"Shut up. The guards are going to find us any minute. We need to get to this manhole you speak of before it's too late. Hurry! Look for it!"

Junko's bad dayWhere stories live. Discover now