A sensitive day .

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Today I feel very lonely. I tell it to my mom and she asked me "is ur sister is in angry with you? " sister is some time annoying to me. But I didn't angry with her. I like going to school... I love to see my friends and teachers again..

She told me to have a video call to them.. so I started a video call and my all friends joined to it.. we talked alot..

Some friends are fine But some friends are quarantine.  I wish everyone prevent from covid.  But some my friends have fallen down mentaly health because covid. I told them to meditate..

I meditade 20 minutes per one day.

The sad news is, my one of little rabbit baby was died.. I don't know what is the reason.  I'm so sad .

Me and my sister cried alot

Another bad news
One of my sister's grandma nanu( from another country) is seriously ill. I pray her to recovery healthy. 

Now covid 19 is spreading badly.. we have to careful morethan other days.

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