A Sweet Day .

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Today I started the day as usual... worshiped buddha and meditated 20 minutes .

Today is a very sweet day . I have got lot of time as my rest time because I join my online classes as usual and my eyes can ill .. so I have to get a rest ..

My  sis Jenifa from bangaladesh have no news .. she go so far from her phone for a month .. I'm so scared and my heart gave me a lot of questions like a question paper . Is she have problem ? . I try to contact her but I can't so I made my heart as " she is doing her study.  After her study work are finish she will come again " 

So I went to my garden and collect  fresh fruits for a bucket . There are lot of fruits , guava , papaw are some of them ..

I had a message from my sister Jenifa from bangaladesh... I'm suprised.... my fruit bucket also fallen down .. I'm so happy... I shared my happy with my little sister . Jenifa sister is keeping well . She didn't forgot me .. my heart stop giving me questions .. and my mind was  cool .. love you ever my dear sister ...

Without you I'm stay here very lonely  .. I'm with you . You  say good morning and good night everyday . And also you always with me for solved my every problem .. You're very special sister for me .. every problem quickly I told to you .. your so far from my other country but your stay with me to sloved my problems .. thank you , thank you , thank you so much sister for again came to see me and didn't forget me ..  I felt lonely tight without you ...

" Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain.  It's not something you learn in school.  But if you have not learned the meaning of friendship.  you really haven't learned anything. "

always in my happy situations you share that happy situation with everyone .. As I think we didn't have boundaries for Sistership.. we didn't need colour  , religions  , culture , language or country we all  are sisters for ever ..  love you my all sisters ... I don't like to use the name friends ... we all are sisters... we are living in a one world ...we made by same systems , tissues , organs and cells . If you all are see the world like I see You can see the beauty of the world.  And my other sisters also good . They also with me to slove my problems .. love you all ....

" My dear sisters , You are my life, my happiness, my joy.  Without you, life will be so dull and boring I'm so thankful to have you in my life. "

Lastly I need to tell you , don't hide your love .. share your love to world . And please keep equality to  all people . Don't see the world by doubt eyes . See the world by  friendship eyes .

Good night all...

Have sweet dreams :)))



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