Is emptiness really empty?

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I don't know what this feeling is,
The feeling of emptiness.

I feel so empty yet full of emotions.
My head's hurting as if it's on the edge of an explosion.

My eyes are screaming for sleep, red in pain,
I tried to be happy but all of my efforts went in vain.

My skin feels dry, the tears drained all the moisture,
The silence was loud. But the voices in my head bawled. 

It's harder to breathe with tears blocking my nose,
Just like it was, to walk on the way I chose.

I could taste my tears and they were sour,
Oh, I should stop this, it's almost an hour!

Does feeling too much lead to feeling nothing?
Is my heart too tired to tell me something?

Wiping the dried tears and I get up to work again,
You're allowed to have a breakdown once in a while 

But then you need to step up and face it all again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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