Episode 1x08// Frozen in Flames

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In the dark of the night, a five-year-old boy shut his hotel door and opened a door to adventure as he sneaked over to a sandy beach. As he skipped on the deserted beach, all he could think about was how happy he would be once he was reunited with his old friend.

"Crabby, where are you?" asked the young boy.

He was not the only one who was out at the dead of night. Shortly after he left, a teen-aged girl followed after him.

"Mikey, get back here!" demamded the girl.

"Not until I find Crabby!" replied Mikey.

"Really? You came out at night to find your stupid crab?" asked the girl.

"He's not stupid! He's my best friend!" exclaimed Mikey.

"We're going back, NOW!" shouted the teenager as she pulled on het brother's arm.

"Let go of me, Mila!" demanded Mikey.

Suddenly, a blood-curdiling whisper corrupted their ears.

"What was that?" asked a frightened Mila.

"M-maybe it's Crabby trying to talk to me," suggested Mikey who was shaken up.

"I don't think that's Crabby..." shivered Mila.

One last scream occured as black dominated the screen.

~Cue theme song~

~WinterCove beach~

It was a sunny day and everyone had decided that it would be a great time to head to the beach, inculding the Rangers. As they unloaded onto the beach, a conversation grew among them.

"Between going to college and all this crazy space stuff, a beach day is a great way to calm me down," said Pearl.

"Try being on the front lines of the fight!" dared Keith.

"I've been in a war. Humble yourself, amateur!" retorted Pearl.

"Welp, you had it coming," told Lance as he nuged Keith on the shoulder.

After that, the topic of the convesation turned to something different.

"I agree with you, Pearl. It would be amazing not having to listen to Mr Maud's history lessons," said Sam.

"Sadly, I have to back up Sam," announced Holly.

"Your teacher sounds alot like my Aunt," admitted Pearl. "She was always on my case about me 'not being royal enough', I'm glad she's gone."

"Wow. I did not expect that from you," said Lance.

"Ya learn something new everyday!" informed Pearl before she joined her college friends for sun bathing.

When she left, a surfer used his board to splash water onto the teens.

"Looks like were in for another one of those days!" exclaimed Josh.

~Fallen Fortress~

Silently, an un-armoured Dusk sat on his throne with his head facing the ground. Before him, thirty Hecklers stood at a battle pose ready for their spar. Finally, Dusk jumped of his throne and laughed menacingly.

"Prism Power, Paralize!"

In seconds, Dusk's iconic armour had dawned upon him and he was ready to fight. With one battle cry, the hunting began.

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