Episode 1x17// Creatures of the Night

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(A/N: Thanks for 1K views, may the power protect you!)

Top- Brenton Thwaites as Jake Brookes, Madelaine Petsch as Leah Frost, Bottom- Katie Ortencio as Mara Zhang, Felix Mallard as Bobby Philips

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Top- Brenton Thwaites as Jake Brookes, Madelaine Petsch as Leah Frost, Bottom- Katie Ortencio as Mara Zhang, Felix Mallard as Bobby Philips

~Winter Cove~

In a bedroom, a little girl sat up in her bead with her hands gripping her legs. She was clearly scared by something. The lamp next to her bed was light up as if it was protecting her. Eventually, someone came into her brightly lit room.

'Having nightmares again, Mia?' asked the clearly older woman.

Mia shuddered,'It's the monsters again!'

The woman lightly chuckled,'Monsters don't live under beds.'

'But Mommy-'

'Just try to get some sleep, okay?' she requested before turning the light off and leaving the room.

Mia quietly cried as a dark apparition appeared in the corner of her room.

~Cue theme song~

~Josh's dream~

'Systems are shutting down!' informed Lance.

'We're running out of time!" shouted Holly.

The Megazord was facing many problems in it's strenuous battle.

'Any luck on your side, Micah?' questioned Keith.

'Having the same issues," commented Micah.

All that Josh could see of this opponent was their dark aura. His face? Indescribable. The Lunar Master.

All four of their assist zords were completely wiped out. The OEM's chainsaw and chest armour had been plucked of its figure violently. As for the main megazord, it had a severely injured leg, a cut of arm, and a scarred head.

'What's your plan, Josh?" asked Sam.

Their mecha was hit with another colossal blow.

His dream cut to another scene. The sky was dull; you could practically taste the death in the air. Crows swarmed in the air like paparazzi.

On the grey ground layed helmets stained with mud and blood where there had once been color and shine. They came in very specific colors: pink, blue, green, yellow, silver. They were his friends. Were.

~End of dream~

Josh woke up in his bed with sweat running down his body. The loud sound of his alarm blarring as he gathered his thoughts.

It was just a bad dream. What wasn't a bad dream was about to follow.

Usually, his mother woke him up before the alarm had the chance to. A feature that Josh disliked about his mom but the change was quite sudden.

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