Episode 2x11// The Crystal Titan

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~Wilson Labs~

Alarms blared like sirens, sending Wilson Labs into an utter state of panic. It was then that the seven teleported inside.

"We came as fast as we could," said Micah, leading the group.

Micah and Pearl went straight to Dr Wilson --- Josh included, due to his heritage --- seeking a direct confirmation of their deepest fears as the others gathered around the big centre screen in the Labs main room.

The screen displayed a diagram of the Eclipse fleet entering the Sonophone Sector.

Keith protested,"No offense, Doc, but this isn't telling us anything about what's going on."

Just then, a notification appeared on the big screen; a request for a video call.

"I think they will," speculated Dr Wilson, going to accept the call.

"Wait..." warned Lance as he read the caller's name,"S.P.A?"

The call loaded in, being that of a command centre with two adults within.

"Adam?!" asked Sam, recognising one."Dude, what happened to the dojo job?"

"It appears I've been... promoted," chuckled the veteran ranger."Unfortunately, that's the last of my good news."

Adam now looked more serious, prompting his former trainee and her team to straighten up.

Aisha, the fellow cop next to him, explained,"It's crept onto our radar that the Eclipse have readied their fleet to numerous planets in the Sonophone Sector."

Adam continued,"Andresia has Super Mega Force Silver protecting it, and we've sent teams to Xybria and Uzono but we need your help."

Some still werent convinced.

"But Crystalia was destroyed," voiced Holly."Like, utterly. Why'd they go back?"

The words of the team ran through the red ranger's head.

"There's only one way to find out," proposed Josh, nodding to Pearl, who nodded back.

~Theme Song~


On the bridges leading to the great gothic castle Arknage, an immense amount Hecklers prepared to leave the planet by jets.

"Where are you going?" demanded Destria, the Hecklers ignoring her.

She forcefully grabbed one by the shirt.

"Who the HELL told you you could leave?!"

She pulverised him to mud in a matter of seconds.

Dusk and Fracture were not too far behind, observing the situation as well.

"They've never disobeyed orders like this," stated Fracture."Something's wrong..."

"Probably a result of Ryjack's incompetent leadership," shrugged Dusk."Though we won't be dealing with those anymore."

Others did not share the same unbothered sentiment as the dark knight, proven by the frantic warnings of DuoDevil and SnareSheer.

"Boss, we need you inside!" requested DuoDevil.

"It's a code red!" cried SnareSheer.

"We don't have a code red," mumbled Destria, though the three followed through with the orders.

The Arknage doors flung wide open.


A response came quick.

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