Prince Levi

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Levi's POV

I am prince Levi of Rose, currently I am 9 years old. I'm like any normal boy minus the fact that I can do snow magic, only my parents know. They say not to tell anyone including my betrothed, Eren. "No one must know Levi." "Yes mother."

And our story begins...

"Ach I going to get you Levi!" Eren tackles me on the bed. I laugh and push his face, making him fall off the bed. I look over the side to find Eren smiling, he grabs my shirt and pulls me on the ground.

I land on my back with a loud thud, mother walks in the room as Eren and I laugh. "It's time for bed, little ones." She lifts us off the ground and lays us in separate beds. "Good night my dearest son." Mother kisses my forehead. "Good night, young Eren." She kisses his forehead. I smile as mother walks to the door, she looks at us then closes the door.

I hear her foot steps fade away, I look at Eren to see if he is awake. "Eren? You awake?" I whisper, his eyes open. "Of course." He smiles. "Can you sleep with me?" I blush, twiddling with the blanket. Eren walks to the bed and gets under the blankets, he grabs my hand softly.

I look at him, he smiles as I blush. "I love you, Levi." "I love you too, Eren." I close my eyes and feel Eren kiss my head. I snuggle Eren and soon fall asleep.


"Levi? Wake up." I slowly open my eyes then rub them. "What's wrong?" I groan. "I can't sleep." He says sadly. I look at him with one eye open and still rub the other, "Hm, it's okay Eren I'll stay up with you." He smiles. "Let's play a game." He whispers and jumps out of bed. I sit up, "Eren where are you going?" Eren runs out of the room.

I jump out of bed and chase after him, I follow the sound of his slippers slapping on the wood floors. "Eren?" I whisper loudly. "Where are you?" I run, looking down every hallway. "I'm over here Levi." I hear him from beyond the staircase.

I look over the railing, standing on my toes, and see him gesturing for me to come down. I run down the stairs and see Eren looking around. "What room is this?" He asks. "Uh, the ball room... I think." I scratch my head. "Oh." He smiles.

"So what do you want to do?" I asks looking around for something to do. "Like I said let's play a game." He smiles brightly and runs around the room. "Like what?" "Um, hide and go seek or whatever you want." I think of something to do.

"How about playing in the snow?" I smile then frown. 'I wasn't supposed to say anything.' I think to myself. "Snow? But we we can't go outside." He sighs. 'Should I tell him? It's Eren he won't say anything about it to anyone.' "I know but Eren I'm going to tell you something and no one else must know." I walk up to him in a whisper voice.

He nods and turns his head so I can whisper in his ear. "I can to snow magic..." I say frightened of his reaction. "Really?" He asks unsure, I nod. "Show me." He smiles. "Okay." I cup my hands together when open them, a big blue snow flake float out of my hands.

Eren smiles brightly, "Wow!" "Shh." I hush him. He watches the snow flake rise and fade away, "Can you do more?" He asks jumping up and down not able to control himself. "Maybe, I've never tried." I try to focus on what I can do.

"Uh, how about this." I once again cup my hands together and push them in the air, opening them making little snow flakes flurry everywhere continuously. Eren smiles and his eyes get wide with excitement, I smile.

Eren runs around catching snow flakes on his tongue, I laugh and try other things. I stomp my foot on the ground causing the floor to be covered with ice, Eren slips and falls as he laughs, I walk up to him trying not to slip myself and help him up.

I fall on my bottom and Eren laughs, he pulls me up and I almost slip again but he catches me. I look at Eren, his dark green eyes, brown hair with snow flakes in it, his bright smile that could bring joy to anyone who saw it.

I smile happy that he is my betrothed, Eren pulls me on the ice and glide cross it. I slip a couple times but Eren catches me, we smile and laugh, spinning around.

"Try something new." Eren says, I let go of his hands. "I know." I say with a clinched fists, I open my hands making a huge area of white, fluffy snow. Eren smiles and glides over to it, he falls face first into the snow.

I laugh, and walk in the snow, Eren gets up and starts to build a snowman but it had legs and snow arms, a round head, and even had shoulders. Eren looks at me, "It's a titan." He smiles. "A titan?" I repeat his words, he nods. "He's the snow titan." He laughs and so do I.

Can this get any better?

I can do snow magicजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें