Prince Eren

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Eren's POV

I am prince Eren of Maria, I am currently I'm 9 years old. I am prince Levi's betrothed, I'm a normal boy not any special powers like Levi. But after the first time I saw what such beautiful things he could do I was stunned of its beauty. I don't go to Levi's home that much, it's rare for me to come over so when I do. We don't leave each others side.


After Levi and I played in the snow, we went back to the bedroom and fall asleep.

"Eren, your parents are here to pick you up." Levi's mother shakes me. I wake up to see Levi still sleeping and Levi's mother moving the blanket off of me.

I get up and rub my eyes, I walk out if the room and take a last glance at Levi. Levi's mother shows me to the front door where my mother awaits me, she looks at me with bright eyes. "Hello my son." She opens her arms, I hug her.

We say our goodbyes, we make our way home, we past fields of green grass and then the wall. The wall that separates the kingdoms, I don't know why they were put up but they've been up since I remember.

We get home and father waits at the front door. I run up to him and mother gets out of the carriage, Father pats me gently on the head.

"Hello Eren." "Hello father." He smiles and takes mother hand then walks inside. I look up at the sky, clouds move through the sky. "You coming Eren?" I look at mother.

"Yes." I walk inside, I already miss Levi. I climb the stairs, going to my room. I open the door and walk inside, Mikasa lays on my bed, hugging my pillow.

"Mikasa?! What are doing?" She bolts up. "You have your own room!" Her face grows to be a bright red. "S-sorry." She says not making eye contact. I sigh as she gets off my bed, mother walks in. "Oh good you are both in here. Your father and I needed to talk to you two." We look at her as father walks in, pushing up his glasses.

"Yes well, me and your mother leaving to go visit some distance family. Eren, Levi's mother has agreed to let you stay with them. And as for you Mikasa you wi-" "I'm going with Eren?" She cuts father off.

"No Mikasa. We're sorry but we know that you and Levi don't get along, so Armin's grandfather is letting you stay with them." She sigh.

I hide my smile at knowing that she won't pester me about being with Levi, "We don't know when we will be back so behave." Mother says. "Yes mother." I say happy that I'm staying with Levi. "We leave tomorrow." They say.

"Why did you wait to tell us?" Mikasa asks, I look at her then my parents. "That's our business little one." Mother pats Mikasa's head gently. Mikasa crosses her arms, "Mikasa, it's only for a few days." Father says.


"Goodbye Eren, Remember to behave." Mother waves as they drive away. I stand at the door with a suitcase, the door opens as I turn around.

Levi's mother gives bright smile, I smile back as she let's me in. "Levi doesn't know you are here, I wanted to surprise him." I nod with a smile, making sure not to be loud. "He's upstairs." She whispers. I walk quietly up the stairs, I reach Levi's bedroom door, I sit down my suitcase by the wall.

I gently push open his door, peeking in. Levi lays on his bed, looking at his open window. I smile and slip in the room silently, I tiptoe to his bed and jump on the bed.

He shrieks and falls off the bed, "Levi~" I look off of the bed, Levi pants. "Eren? Hey what was that for punk?" He stands up and pouts, looking at me. I laugh, "Sorry." I smile and sit up, crossing my legs.

Levi gets on the bed and look at me with squinted eyes, I tilt my head a little. "What's wrong?" "Why are you here? Not that I'm not glad you're here." He asks.

I smile, "My parents are leaving to visit some family, so your Mother said I could stay here while they are away." He look curious.

"How long will they be gone?" "Um, maybe about 4 days to a week, I think." Levi smiles brightly. "Yay!" He hugs me, nuzzling his head into my jaw.

I giggle and hug him back, "So anything you want to do?" Levi hums while he thinks. I find it very cute, "Well, it's probably noon by now, so maybe we can go to the flower fields." I smile and nod.

He grabs my hand as he jumps off the bed with a bright smile. "Mother, mother!" He calls out while pulling me out of the room, I gladly follow.

"Mother?!" He looks around. "Levi, Levi." She says mockly but smiles. "Yes my son." She bends down. "Can Eren and I please go to the flower fields? Please mother." He begs. She smiles, "What a good idea. You may Levi." She smiles. Levi's smile grew bigger and I laugh, "Come on, come on." He pulls me down the stairs, I laugh.

"Slow down Levi." He pulls me out the backdoor that leads to a field of grass. I smile, "Come it's this way!" Levi runs through the grass and I laugh then run to follow.

We run up a hill and below is hundreds of purple flowers, I look down smiling brightly, "Wow." "This beautiful, right?" I nod and run into the flowers. Levi lays in the flowers giggling, I smile as I run to his side.

Levi grabs my hand pulling me into flowers, I laugh as he hugs me. "Eren, when we get married can we be married here?" He asks.

"Of course," I smile. "The bride gets what they want." Levi pouts as I giggle.

"Who says I'm going to be the bride?!" He sits up. "Me." I giggle then kiss Levi's pale cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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