Elizas back

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The two had been sleeping for a good 5 hours when Philip awoke but not on his own terms but Y/Ns terms she was tossing and turning on mining things like "please .no ..not now" Philip walked over to the end after lighting a candle he brushed some of her brown hair out the way to see she was sweating he lightly shook her "Y/N wake up please it's ok I'm here" she shot up catching Philip off guard but he took her into his arms "pip are you real" "yes Y/N I'm here I'm real" nothing else was said he didn't want to push her into talking a bout something she clearly didn't want to talk about he just held her just like before he shifted them so she was laying on his chest she tucked her head into the crook of his neck.

The next day
Philip and Y/N had been up a while playing chess again Y/N had the same dress on as the day before it was the only dress she had other than that rag she came but Philip told her that his mother would take her to get some dress later. There was the sound of a door opening and quickly enough Eliza was in the living room Philip got up to hug his mother once he did he kissed her hand as he bent down to do so Eliza saw the girl in the room "Philip who's that" "oh that Y/N Thomas gave her to me" "he gave her to you?" "Yeha if you know what I mean" "I do but by the looks of it she's already a part of the family" "well Yeha she's my friend" "ha friend ,boy you ain't fooling none I saw you looking at her through the window wait till your father sees this well I'm don't talking to you o want to meet my daughter in law" "motherrr" "oh sush" Eliza walked over to the chess table "hi I'm Eliza Hamilton Philips mother" the shuck hand as Y/N spoke "Y/N" "just Y/N?" "Yep don't have a surname well I mean I do but master Jefferson never told me of I did" "Jefferson didn't sky you know your surname? Well I'll track it down for you" "oh you really don't have to do that mrs Hamilton plus I'd rather not know" "please it's Eliza and if you don't mind me asking why don't you want to know?" "Well it would be my fathers last name and well my father wasn't a very nice man" by the end Y/N was crying Philip and Eliza took her into a hug "I'm sorry sweetheart" "mother can we all have food now please" Philip said batting his eyelids "of corse" Eliza said ruffling his hair "Y/N what do you like to eat" Y/N looked confused and looked to Eliza but got a sympathy smile "I o my ever eat one plain piece of bread a week pip" "pip?" "She cants say my name properly so we reported to pip" "ok and Y/N I think you love chicken soup" "really Ive always wanted to try that" "well let's go" after supper Y/N got changed into a old nighty of elizas and Eliza promised to take her shopping later Philip came from the bathroom and got on the couch "pip?" "Yeah" "please take the bed" "no no it's fine" "it's your bed" "please I'm fine" "pip" "ok fine we will just sleep together" Y/N eyes went wide but Philip didn't see as he was looking down he told you to climb in as she got in the bed she was scared she thought Philip was different but no he just waiter for her to get comfortable in the home after Philip got in he asked "you comfy?" "Y-yes master" Philip shot up that was it she knew it was now she got she slowly sat up to pulling the sleeves of the nightgown down slowly Philip looked over concerned "hey woah woah you ok" Philip stated while pulling Y/N sleeves back up Y/N looked up in confusion "ok two things why did you call me master and why are you taking your night dress off" "y-you said that we would sleep together" Y/N looked down in confusion realisation hit Philip "oh on no I meant just sleep in the same bed I don't want to do anything your not comfortable with Y/N you know right" "yeah" "ok so what's my name" "pip" "that's the Y/N I know now would you feel safer on the outside of the bed Y/N nodded Philip was a wee bit disheartened but understood nonetheless. Philip awoke in the morning with Y/N cuddled on his chest hugging him and him hugging her he just layed there.

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