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You are his son. No relationship esque things for Phil because again he has an amazing wife who will be featured in this. Not angst again, I promise. This was a request. (Above is what I'd imagine Kristen and Phil's son looking like)

Request: Openly gay reader streams, and gets hate comments. Phil and Kristen come in and fuck shit up while saving their wonderful kiddo, Y/N


(Yes, I'm back. It's happening, I know, now shush and read lol)


I was just streaming Minecraft with Ranboo, Tommy, Wilbur, and Tubbo when it all happened. I was just having fun with the guys while on the Origins SMP. I have chosen the origin of Arachnid, so I can climb walls and can trap enemies in cobwebs when I hit them. I had been climbing the path to the pube (pronounced: Pub) when Wilbur went into his Phantom form and knocked me off, making me drop off and die...

"WILBUR FUCKIN SOOT." He responded by wheezing, comparable to a tea kettle and laughing very hard. "I hate you, so much, Wilburrrrrr."

"Awwee, you don't hate me Y/N." I roll my eyes,

"Idfk about that ghost-boy." And with that I trapped him in a sea of webs,

"Dude! I'm never going to get out of this!" I looked at him confused,

Tommy chimed in upon seeing both of us, "Press shift, dipshit." We all laughed at Wilbur's stupidity and I looked at my chat.

User1: Fuckin fag, stop hanging out with Wilbur

User2: LOL really tho

Y/Nfan: stoop, leave him alone

User2: r u a fag too, like why do you support him

User1 was banned by Wilbur Soot
User2 was banned by RanbooLive

RanbooLive: What the hell guys, this isn't okay.

Wilbur Soot: I'm banning them in all of our chats. They're fuckin wankers

I smiled at my friends' actions.

LOLRekt: they aren't wrong, lmfao

User4: really though, good people don't need to be banned

All the madness continued, and I couldn't handle it.

"Haha, Tubbo you dumbass. Anyways, I'm gonna go to the bathroom brb." Everyone in the call said some form of okay, while really I was walking to my bedroom to cry on my pillow. Sadly, Dad had noticed.

"Hey, kid. What's wrong?"

I smiled, "Nothing, I promise." He did not believe me one bit.

"Oh, really? Who's being a dickhead?" I shook my head,

"Just some people online, it's nothing. I promise." I smiled again.

He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at my stream. He saw the messages and sighed, full of anger. He showed Mom and she was boiling over, "No one ever gets to call my baby that." Her and Dad walked upstairs into my streaming room. Out of curiosity, I checked my stream through my phone.

"Chat you do not get to call anyone that, let alone Y/N. He keels over working his arse off to give you guys good content and doing good in school." I hear Wilbur speak after my Dad,

"He's also in marching band, so his schedule is full. He's told me about how he has barely any time for himself because of homework, streaming, school, and marching band. He sacrifices so much for you, and what've you done?" Tubbo speaks up,

"You've thrown it in his damn face. That's not pog. You guys need to treat him better." My Mom goes off,

"As Wilbur has kindly said, he sacrifices so much for you guys. I'd better not see you guys even thinking about calling my baby or anyone those names. Wilbur and the guys have shown you kindness by giving you a comms ban and nothing else. There's the reason it's called a slur." My Dad shakes his head,

"You guys are better than this. You are better than picking on someone. I know it because some of you are from mine and the Dream SMP's chat. I've seen you saying that he makes the Dream Smp worse, and that he makes Origins worse, and hell you've said that he makes you want to puke when he speaks. This is unacceptable. If this continues he won't be able to stream anymore, and no one wants that. You are ruining it for everyone by acting like children. I don't know where the fuck you've learned to speak this way, but you definitely didn't learn it from any of the Dream SMP members." Things go on like this for a couple of minutes when Ranboo finally speaks up,

"People have no human decency. At this point you guys are worse than Canon Dream and Canon Wilbur. They'd at least respect sexualities and gender identity." Everyone agrees and my Dad makes the executive decision to turn off my stream and let me rest.

"Alright, you should probably go to bed." I nod,

"Thanks you guys. I love you."

They both return the words and we say our goodnights, parting ways.


I woke up in the morning to tweets and @'s from all of my friends.

I'm sure you've all heard of the situation with @(Username). This is unacceptable, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

      @tommyinnit replying to @WilburSoot:
      Adding onto this, if I see this in any of the DSMP chats you are getting perma-banned. None            of this in the community.

      @TubboLive replying to @WilburSoot:
I agree full heartedly, @(Username) deserves only love and support :)

      @Dream replying to @WilburSoot:
      I saw clips of what happened, it's really fucked up

      @Sapnap replying to @WilburSoot:

      I hope he's okay, no one deserves this

      @GeorgeNotFound replying to @WilburSoot:

      @BadBoyHalo replying to @WilburSoot:
They're such muffinheads! Y/N doesn't deserve anything like this

      @Technothepig replying to @WilburSoot:
I say we kill all of the homophobes. Blood for The Blood God

      @Ph1Lz4 replying to @WilburSoot:
Thank you all for the support, I appreciate it and I'm sure my young lad does too.

I hope you enjoyed :) (Leave requests in comments or dms)

I have no ideas for Techno or Tubbo,    h e l p

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