Dream a little dream

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There was a strong case built against the police station and The officers  who handle Ailyah wrongfully. Proof that Aimee fabricated her side of the story. As Phillip was called in as witness to the case and and a witness of character.  After all those bystanders had called the the police on Ailyah, not one person actually saw the whole thing  happened or heard what was said on her part.

Aliyah also explained how her sister was publicly intoxicated during all of this. Which Aimme was slapped with 6 months probation. The 3 officers were suspended without pay for harassment. She was ruled with "Self defense."

Over all, she won her case. Mercedes did a excellent job making sure she did win.  That her name wasnt tarnished by her sister with a false aligation.She should had been happy with this outcome, but she still feared Aimee would come for her later. The way Aimee burned a hole in her head staring  at her across the courtroom,  trying to intimate her. Her lawyer had to tell her countless times to stop doing that and look ahead while Phillip was testifying against Aimee on the stand.

But it was all over.
Finally.  Because the other thing she was becoming imitated by was her lawyer.  She WAS happy that she helped but also happy this would be the last she saw of her.  A lot of things seemed off  between Phillip and her ever since Mercedes came around. Maybe he was just catching up and being nice? But it made Aliyah uncomfortable.

He was quite occupied with her during HER case,  she felt phased out. Like he was getting bored of her? They had inside jokes that flew right over her head. Pissing her off when he would laugh at long over drawn stories  that took forever to get to the "funny" part. Was she just jealous an insecure ? Or was he like a dog, easily distracted by a new chew toy?? She just wanted to have quality time with Phillip before he went back home to Washington.

Mrs. Altman had a party planned out for granddaughter, Lee.  It was for Judd's daugther. They were celebrating her her 1st birthday early in Chicago.
Annie and Wendy were decorating  the kitchen. Mrs. Altman and Paul were stuck in traffic coming back from getting the meats at the market for the bqq. Paul was in charge of the grill.

Aliyah came in the kitchen. Just returning from the bakery. She carried in a vanilla sheet cake and smash cake. Someone needed to pick up the cake so she volunteered herself and Phillip to go to bakery to help out any way that they could. She put them down on the island. A almost slam. She sighed heavily.
"Dick!" She mutters.

Wendy froze, shocked why she would do the cake like that so inconsiderable.

"I'm sorry guys, I shouldn't have slammed it." She immediately apologizes for her behavior.

"Sweetie what's wrong??"  Annie asked coming over to her with a pink banner in her hands.
Aliyah reached in her purse and pulled out a phone. Placing it on the island, tapping on the screen,  illuminating the home screen, with the phone on vibrate but text message log showing names not able to access  the messages,since it had a pass code.

"Phillip just left this behind in my car. All last night and then this morning he's been texting people. So I asked "Who are you talking to you?" An he says "My friends." He is such a fucking liar!!" Ailyah says mentally exhausted by these last few days.

The text log reads:
Redhead waitress at Chili's.

"Shithead." Wendy grunted taking the phone from off the island and seeing if she could figure out his password.

"Pizzahut? I don't get why he's texting pizza hut?"  Annie asked so very confused and out of the loop how sneaky a man could be by changing names in their phones to cover their tracks.

His phone vibrated again in Wendy's hands as she was on her second attempt of his password.
"It's Mercedes !!" Wendy announced. She really wanted to get ito those text messages now!

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