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The Altman brothers along with Aliyah went to the bar together. A hole in the wall joint that had cheap beer and live music.  A place that was Paul's scene back in his college days. Wendy and Annie had offered to watch Lee, loving every second with a little girl in the family. This would be one of the last shindigs before Phillip goes home tomorrow night.

Judd was against it from the beginning. He had no interest in going out and drinking or mingling anymore for his free time. He played the "I can't,  I'm a dad now." card   anytime someone invited him out for fun. That didn't mean he couldn't have fun anymore! Phillip went ahead and gave him a guilt trip on how he barely gets to see them as it is.

Which Paul had a few things to say to that after he got a few drinks in him at bar. The oldest was feeling a little touchy that he was the only sibling that stayed back.

"You're the one that decided to move away and start your "business" in Washington." Paul says taking his third shot of tequila. His eyes fixated on his little brother, judging him. "You'd think the momma's boy would had stayed behind."

He shrugged his shoulders agreeing to both those statements. Phillip popped his knuckles in a anxious way, he bit the inside of his cheek and looked over his shoulder to the to the left. His eyes focused on Aliyah. He kept overthinking should he be staying longer for her or get back to his hustle and grind in Washington. She would be the prime reason he'd think about moving back. Not mom, not his sibling..her.

She was at the pool table. She swayed her hips to the rock music while she leaned forward to hit the ball with the cue stick.
The way her sweater dress hugged her curves drove him crazy, especially when she leaned forward. Inching up, up, up.

She lines the stick up to the ball and aims the best she could at the hole. She took her shot. Shit, not a hard enough strike! A clear miss of the hole,hitting the wall in slow motion.She was quite sore about it, flicking off the ball. Phillip laughed at the whole scene." Atta girl!" he cheers loudly. He took his beer bottle and raises a toast to her. She gives him the bird for good measure, holding it up for awhile, he knew she was playing around. She was trying to come off tough in front of bunch of strangers in a new atmosphere.

He turned his attention back to his brothers and sighed heavily. "You know weed is legal here now? Medical and recreational. I could always bring my business here and start --"

Judd snickered and pats his brother on the back . "You're down hard huh?" He asked.

Paul leaned forward, a few inches apart from from Phillip's face. He was a little tipsy now, getting touchy and goofy. "Just say it!" Paul says slurring. 

"Yeah! Just say it, you wanna come back for her. Your Sweetpea. " Judd says pointing at Aliyah.
Philip pops Judd's hand down before Aliyah notices they're talking about her.

"Because you're in L-O-V-E ."Judd continues.
Phillip face is bright pink,feeling a weird lump in his throat.  A heavy feeling in chest, his heart starts to beat rapidly at the thought of even admitting to being in love with someone. Actually being in love. He could actually picture a future with her.

"Okay, okay! Next subject." Phillip says turning bashful. He starts fidgeting with the lid of his bottle on the table with cheesy smile.

Aliyah came over to the table.  She had gave the brothers their time alone together, but she now wanted Phillip to herself. 
He scoots his chair away from the table and pats his knee , signaling her  take a seat on his lap. 
She takes the invite, sitting on his legs, arm around his neck now.  Playing with the hair on the nape of his neck.
"I wanna play you now in pool, one on one mister. "

He laughs at her enthusiasm and looks up at her.
"Nah, I just saw how horrible you   play, you expect me to take it easy on you. Not happening."

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