How To Make Your Classmates Fall In Love

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It was not a secret that Aoyama was infatuated with everything bright and sparkling. Most of his attires consisted of little else than over-the-top ostentatious clothing, all of which reflected his equally extravagant personality. Thus, it was not a surprise to any of his classmates that his room was shining bright as the sun.

Beside Aoyama's room was Tokoyami's, which was dark and eerie to fit his cool exterior. The contrast between the two boys was almost laughable; one sparkling enough to make you blind, the other ominous enough to make you shiver.

"It's kind of ironic the two of them would be placed beside each other", Uraraka noted. It was the day after they had all moved into the dorms at UA, and some of the students of class 1-A sat in the living room, preoccupied with their own devices. "Aoyama and Tokoyami, I mean", she clarified when she received questioning looks from her classmates.

"Yeah", Yaoyorozu agreed. "It's too bad, both of them seem sort of like loners. Perhaps they would've felt better if they were placed beside some friends."

"Do they even hang out with anyone at all?" Kaminari questioned, and the group fell into quiet pondering. "I guess not", he concluded after a silence too long for affirmative answers.

"That's horrible!" Hagakure all but shrieked, and made the noise-sensitive Jirō flinch beside her. "We have to befriend them!"

"I've tried", Kaminari admitted. "But I'm not too sure either of them want to. I think they both feel like outcasts in this class." Everyone was quiet after that, solemnly agreeing.

"Then..." Hagakure started, bringing a hand to her face to make an invisible gesture no one could identify. "What if we paired them up with each other?"

"Tokoyami and Aoyama?" Uraraka doubted. "Do you really think the two of them would make a good pair? They're total opposites."

"They're like yin and yang!" Hagakure argued, and waved her arms frantically now, almost hitting Jirō in the face multiple times. "Besides, both of them are overly dramatic and use their quirks to bring attention to themselves, so they definitely have similarities. Don't you see?"

"It's true." Yaoyorozu nodded slowly. "Opposites often make a good match. Even biologically, protons and electrons are both necessary to create electricity."

"Yes! It's even proven mathematically that the boys are made for each other!"

"Alright." Uraraka grinned, convinced. "Then what's your plan to get them together?"

The class had a few schedules that Iida had written regarding chores that needed to be done, as to avoid conflict and irritation. This evening, Kōda, Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami were the ones supposed to cook dinner. Before they began, Hagakure told a pair of ears her first plan.

Yaoyorozu and Hagakure hid behind a plant by the staircase leading down from the second floor. Although the invisible girl only wore a white shirt and quite easily blended in with the wall, she pressed her stomach against Yaoyorozu's back expectantly.

"Any moment now, I hope", she whispered.

"But what if he just stays in his room? Does he really have any business outside?" Yaoyorozu countered. "If so, he better hurry. I'm supposed to cook dinner anytime now."

They heard the click of a door opening and closing, and quickly got into position, slowly walking up the stairs as if to go to their own rooms.

"Ah, my headache is killing me!" Yaoyorozu exclaimed loudly with an exaggerated gesture toward her head. "I really don't think I have the energy to prepare dinner tonight!"

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