A Dark Shoulder To Cry On

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Aoyama was curled up in the chair by his desk, tears running down his pretty face. His gaze travelled up to one of his many mirrors, and he scoffed at the red puffy eyes that diminished his gracefulness. The sad film he was watching on his laptop was certainly not worthy of such unseemliness. Frustrated, he wiped away the tears but could do little about the puffiness of his eyes. It did not help much, since he soon started weeping, loud and ugly, at the British drama he was watching.

"Damn, you're loud." Someone spoke.

Jumping in his seat, Aoyama swiveled around to look toward the door, but it was closed. Then, he noticed the ominous shadow that loomed above him in the darkest corner of his room. Dark Shadow; Tokoyami's quirk and companion, shivered as it looked down at the boy. In this bright room, it was smaller than usual, and eyed the dazzling room with distaste.

"Really, I'm trying to meditate, but it's quite hard with your vulgar sobbing distracting me."

"Meditate?" Aoyama asked, wondering if Tokoyami was the one who had sent them to check on him, or if it was on the Shadow's own accord. "Je suis désolé, my dark friend. I was merely watching an emotional film. I will attempt to stay quiet."

"Sad movies?" Dark Shadow quirked up at that. "Those are the best! Are there many deaths in it? Murders? Blood? " They tentatively lowered themselves to look at the screen beside Aoyama. The Pianist was paused, barely a third into the film.

"Oui, all of that, I'm afraid." Aoyama nodded, and wiped away the last of his tears before pressing play. He was curiously watching Dark Shadow, who did not leave, but was soon invested in the story enough that he forgot to be weirded out by Tokoyami's quirk.

" No! " Dark Shadow gasped when a pretty girl was killed in a brutal manner.

"I know !" Aoyama sobbed beside them, blowing his nose in a pink tissue. "Poor mademoiselle, she had so much to live for!" Instinctively, he leaned against the shadow, not quite embracing them but not quite not. They felt solid, and he cried against them.

"There, there." Dark Shadow pet Aoyama's shoulder awkwardly. They seemed to take no offense by Aoyama's excessive sobbing, nor of the snot he accidentally wiped on their back. "It will be okay", they reassured.

After that night, Aoyama and Dark Shadow became friendly toward each other. During training, they found themselves waving and smiling at each other, and in the common room, Aoyama always sat beside Tokoyami, with enough space between them that Dark Shadow could hover in the middle. Movie nights became an almost daily occurrence, in which they would make snarky comments about the characters and weep together.

It took longer than a week for Tokoyami to confront them.

Late one evening, when all students had retreated to their respective rooms, a sad film was playing in a certain sparkly room. Aoyama and Dark Shadow was in the middle of a discussion of whether the protagonist should choose to marry her girlfriend or her best friend, when Dark Shadow suddenly yelped.

"Tokoyami is just walking around", they explained, as the bottom half of their body indeed moved through the wall. Barely seconds later, a loud knocking on the door made Aoyama yelp, as well.

"You may enter", he called, and soon the face of a bird emerged through the opening.

"Hey'a, friend!" Dark Shadow pointed finger guns at Tokoyami, who eyed the two of them suspiciously.

Aoyama quickly looked away to blow his nose in another pink tissue before regaining his posture and meeting Tokoyami's gaze with his trademark grin. "Bonjour, my feathered friend!" he greeted.

Still, the bird did not say anything. He merely stood with narrowed eyes and looked between the two of them. He sucked in a breath as if to speak, but blew it out. Then he did it again, and this time he spoke bluntly.

"Are you dating my quirk?"

It was directed at Aoyama, who froze in surprise. The question came from out of the blue; of course he was not courting the shadow by his side. Nor did he court anyone else, for that matter. This relationship was merely built on the fact that their rooms were beside each other and both happened to enjoy sappy European films. Certainly, that must have been obvious.

"I think so!" Dark Shadow answered before Aoyama could voice his thoughts, and instead all three of them raised their brows in surprise. "We are, aren't we?" They asked quietly, suddenly uncertain.

Now, two sets of dark eyes looked expectantly at the sparkling boy, who, although he was still grinning, had furrowed his brows in contemplation. Why did they think this was dating? Was it? His eyebrow twitched, and Tokoyami seemed to take that as some sort of affirmative answer.

"That's..." he began, sounding flustered. Had he not been covered in feathers he would probably blush, Aoyama thought. "I'm... Happy for you?" He scratched his neck and averted his eyes, but narrowed them again when he became blinded by the shining lights in the room. "But it's... Weird."

Dark Shadow puffed out their chest to make themselves as large as they could in the bright room. Although it was dimly lit to make them more comfortable, it was still bright as the day.

"So what, just because I'm a part of you I'm not allowed to date?" They crossed their arms and glared at Tokoyami, who looked about ready to fall through the floor how awkward he was.

"That's not what I meant. But if you're dating Aoyama, that means I'm kind of dating him, too? You are almost entirely a part of myself, after all."

Aoyama blinked. Once. Twice. Many times, as he tried to keep up with their arguing. Not only did Dark Shadow believe their film nights were dates, but now Tokoyami was also a part of it? He had only wanted someone to cry with, not to be the center of his friends' falling out. He decided to clear his throat.

"Excusez-moi, but I do believe we have misunderstood each other."

"No, no", Tokoyami raised his hands in front of him, an apologetic expression crossing his face. "It is my error. You are right, Dark Shadow, you should be allowed to do what you want during our free time. I apologize. I was merely not ready for you to leave the nest so early. But, we are teenagers now, so I completely understand."

Dark Shadow beamed at him, whereas Aoyama's grin finally dropped to be exchanged by a gaping mouth.

"Just remember to stay out of the dark. I wish you the best of luck." Tokoyami bowed his head, before vanishing from the room.

"Well, then, boyfriend!" Dark Shadow nuzzled their head against Aoyama's neck affectionately. "Let's finish the movie then, eh?"

Aoyama had to use a great deal of willpower not to slam his head against the desk in confusion.

"Quoi le fuck?" he whispered in exasperation.

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